Last week's season premiere of American Horror Story introduced us to Fraulein Elsa and her freak show. We saw many familiar faces (though some of them were doubled, bearded, and painted), and we established that the newest face of Twisty the Clown was downright terrifying. The biggest surprise the actor behind Twisty. For those of you who aren't sure if you can watch the rest of the season based on your clown fears, this is the guy playing the part. I mean, he looks like he should be hosting Scrabble nights with milk and cookies followed by a relaxing chapter from "Chicken Soup For the (fill in the blank) Soul." I feel a little better now. I'll just have to imagine his Fargo accent when he appears on screen.
Anyway, episode 2 brought in some strange and mysterious new characters as well as some surprising interactions. We also lost a freak show performer tonight and saw the beginning of a feud among the freaks. Here's where we are after Massacres and Matinees.
Try Not To Look Guilty
The episode opens with the freak show regulars having a quiet meal under the tent. Jimmy and his webbed hands kills the mood when he switches the radio over to a panicked voice recapping the 4 unsolved murders and missing child from the town of Jupiter. The announcer also broadcasts the search details for the missing detective...who our friends literally ripped apart last week. A car pulls up immediately with two other detectives who want to search the grounds. Elsa offers them a ticket to the show instead, but she is informed that the police are enforcing a curfew until the murderer is caught. Bummer.
Jimmy is seriously on edge. He snaps at his comrades and then enlists them to dig up the detective's body parts to burn them. They come across his badge as well, which Jimmy puts in his pocket. He apologizes to his friends and explains that his frustration comes from people not giving them a chance. Jimmy thinks that if the locals just get to know them, they wouldn't be "freaks" and alienated the way they are now.
Don't Care How, I Want It Now.
Dandy sits across from his mother in their very fancy dining room. It's just the two of them and yet they sit at either end of a very long table. I imagine there's distance between them often even though they really only have each other....and Patti LaBelle. She's their maid, Nora. She serves snails for dinner which Dandy finds incredibly boring, and rightly so - dude drinks his alcohol via a crystal baby bottle, nipple and all. Good God. If that's not thought provoking, I don't know what is.
Momma Gloria dotes on him and it's unnerving. She wants him to be married, she wants him to have a baby, and she (most of all) wants him to be less bored. He calls all of the girls Gloria has introduced him to "smelly cows" and says babies are "more boring than anything." Anything? He wants to be a thespian. Oh, and he's bored. He leaves the room to go be bored somewhere else. Nora then notifies Gloria that she found some cat parts on the property, but Gloria says Dandy nothing to do with it...and this sounds like this is a recurring act of non-boredom.
You know what else is REALLY not boring? Twisty the Clown. Gloria comes across him walking down the open road. She rolls down her car window and asks if he does private parties for children. Seriously? She's not afraid of him? How are people not alarmed by his appearance? Gloria wants Twisty to cheer up her son and offers to pay him handsomely. Well, Twisty had just come from murdering a toy store owner and his clerk, so he knows a thing or two about cheery environments.
Dandy, in the meantime, has traveled back to the freak show to tell Jimmy that he wants to be a part of it. Dandy thinks this is where he belongs and makes a big dramatic case to join the show. He asks Jimmy to take a chance on him but Jimmy sends him home, telling Dandy to be thankful for what he's got...
What Dandy's got now is a dirty, creepy ass clown. Twisty is in his house and he has refrained from killing Gloria and Nora, which I find very interesting. Dandy offers up all of his toys to the clown to begin some entertainment, and Twisty seems excited to perform....but then he catches Dandy going through his bag. He hits Dandy over the head, grabs his bag, and peaces out.
Dandy comes to pretty quickly though and follows Twisty into the woods, where the clown's young captives are trying to figure out an escape plan. Twisty pulls out a toy robot from the now very bloody toy store, but his audience is not amused. I guess plan B is whipping out the head of the toy store clerk (shock value?) which causes screams and gives the girl the opportunity to whack Twisty in the face with a large piece of wood. Both captives run like hell...but our fearless young lady runs right into Dandy who brings her back to the clown. Twisty himself catches the boy quickly, so the two of them are back to being screwed.
Yes. She Has 3 Boobs.
Angela Bassett's character Desiree arrives with her strongman husband Dell Toledo (played by Michael Chiklis). Desiree has 3 boobs. A trio of titties. A bevy of breasts. A horde of hooters. A jungle of jugs. A collection of coconuts. A mixture of mammies. A trifecta of tatas. She has. 3 boobs. My brain can't quite get past the 3 breasted woman from Total Recall, but at least Angela Bassett is way hotter. Desiree also has a penis (bonus!) and calls herself a full blown hermaphrodite.
Anyway, Dell Toledo is answering an add Elsa placed when she was trying to find the showstopper that ended up being Dot and Bette. Apparently the happy couple got themselves into some trouble in Chicago recently when Desiree was helping some poor kid pop his cherry....and Dell walked in and snapped his neck. On the road again.
Elsa informs them that the position has been filled but Dell begs for a chance. She reluctantly welcomes the strange couple to her family. The bearded Ethel, however, is not so welcoming. She waits for Chesty McBreast to leave the trailer and takes the opportunity to confront her weird accent. I mean, where the hell is she supposed to be from? Her voice is some combination of Canadian and Dr. Evil. Anyway, Ethel warns Dell to stay away from Jimmy. Apparently Dell is Jimmy's father and always believed Jimmy was a mistake. Dell says he wants nothing to do with him. Dell is kind of a dick.
Sing Out Louise! (Major points for those who get that reference).
It's audition time under the big top. Bette butchers a song completely, but Elsa doesn't seemed concerned about whether the twins are good at anything. They have two heads and are her opening act which is good enough. Dot, however, does have a hidden talent. After Jimmy encourages her to sing just to him, Dot croons "Dream a Little Dream" and we have ourselves an act.
Jimmy is inspired at this point. He's ready to make the world see that freaks are people too, so he takes a group of them to a nearby diner hoping for a normal lunch experience. Several customers either leave or make comments, but the initial sit-down goes okay. However, Dell happens to be passing by while he is hanging flyers and completely ruins everything. He yells at them, causing an uproar and scaring the diner's owner and staff. So much for "if they just get to know us." Dell takes Jimmy outside and beats him up while the rest of the freaks watch, and I'm pretty sure he just made some powerful enemies. Dell is definitely a dick.
Jimmy goes to Elsa and tells her about the detective. He says he has a plan to frame Dell for the detective's disappearance by planting the badge in Dell's trailer. Dell, meanwhile, has staged a 3pm matinee and essentially thinks he's running the show. He introduces Meep the Geek, who promptly bites the head off a baby chick, and then we get straight to the two-headed song and dance act. Dot sing's Fiona Apple's "Criminal," which is extraordinary in itself given the timeline here is decades before the song actually came out. Bette tries to join in where she can but it's Dot who draws the applause...which puts a sad face on the slow and usually smiley twin.
The two other detectives arrive once more, acting on "an anonymous tip" to search the home of Dell Toledo. They find nothing in Dell's trailer and start to search everywhere. Dell had Jimmy's number from the start, and he planted the badge under Meep's bed. The detectives take Meep to the police station and throw him in a room of criminals who believe he's the serial killer. The next time we see Meep is when a couple of guys drop his dead body from a truck at the freak show entrance.
The episode ends there and I already hate Dell Toledo. His wife is awesome, but his treatment ofDr. Canadian Evil Ethel and Jimmy pissed me off immediately, and poor Meep's only crime was to frequently bite the heads off of animals. I'm not sure how Jimmy is going to deal with all of this. His social experiment failed, his badge planting plan failed, and a friend of his died in the process. God knows what he'll do when he finds out that Dell is his daddy.
Speaking of boys without a daddy, Dandy is one warped dude. I can only imagine he will partner up with Twisty now (his very own clown) and I'd say the girl's days are limited. The little boy is probably still rescue-worthy, but who knows if other captives will join him in the upcoming episodes. Will Twisty and Dandy invade the freak show? Will anyone put Dell in his place? Will Desiree grow a 4th boob? Because that would be awesome. We'll see what happens in the coming weeks, but we've definitely got one hell of a fight brewing.
Anyway, episode 2 brought in some strange and mysterious new characters as well as some surprising interactions. We also lost a freak show performer tonight and saw the beginning of a feud among the freaks. Here's where we are after Massacres and Matinees.
Try Not To Look Guilty

Jimmy is seriously on edge. He snaps at his comrades and then enlists them to dig up the detective's body parts to burn them. They come across his badge as well, which Jimmy puts in his pocket. He apologizes to his friends and explains that his frustration comes from people not giving them a chance. Jimmy thinks that if the locals just get to know them, they wouldn't be "freaks" and alienated the way they are now.
Don't Care How, I Want It Now.
Dandy sits across from his mother in their very fancy dining room. It's just the two of them and yet they sit at either end of a very long table. I imagine there's distance between them often even though they really only have each other....and Patti LaBelle. She's their maid, Nora. She serves snails for dinner which Dandy finds incredibly boring, and rightly so - dude drinks his alcohol via a crystal baby bottle, nipple and all. Good God. If that's not thought provoking, I don't know what is.
Momma Gloria dotes on him and it's unnerving. She wants him to be married, she wants him to have a baby, and she (most of all) wants him to be less bored. He calls all of the girls Gloria has introduced him to "smelly cows" and says babies are "more boring than anything." Anything? He wants to be a thespian. Oh, and he's bored. He leaves the room to go be bored somewhere else. Nora then notifies Gloria that she found some cat parts on the property, but Gloria says Dandy nothing to do with it...and this sounds like this is a recurring act of non-boredom.
You know what else is REALLY not boring? Twisty the Clown. Gloria comes across him walking down the open road. She rolls down her car window and asks if he does private parties for children. Seriously? She's not afraid of him? How are people not alarmed by his appearance? Gloria wants Twisty to cheer up her son and offers to pay him handsomely. Well, Twisty had just come from murdering a toy store owner and his clerk, so he knows a thing or two about cheery environments.
Dandy, in the meantime, has traveled back to the freak show to tell Jimmy that he wants to be a part of it. Dandy thinks this is where he belongs and makes a big dramatic case to join the show. He asks Jimmy to take a chance on him but Jimmy sends him home, telling Dandy to be thankful for what he's got...

Dandy comes to pretty quickly though and follows Twisty into the woods, where the clown's young captives are trying to figure out an escape plan. Twisty pulls out a toy robot from the now very bloody toy store, but his audience is not amused. I guess plan B is whipping out the head of the toy store clerk (shock value?) which causes screams and gives the girl the opportunity to whack Twisty in the face with a large piece of wood. Both captives run like hell...but our fearless young lady runs right into Dandy who brings her back to the clown. Twisty himself catches the boy quickly, so the two of them are back to being screwed.
Yes. She Has 3 Boobs.
Angela Bassett's character Desiree arrives with her strongman husband Dell Toledo (played by Michael Chiklis). Desiree has 3 boobs. A trio of titties. A bevy of breasts. A horde of hooters. A jungle of jugs. A collection of coconuts. A mixture of mammies. A trifecta of tatas. She has. 3 boobs. My brain can't quite get past the 3 breasted woman from Total Recall, but at least Angela Bassett is way hotter. Desiree also has a penis (bonus!) and calls herself a full blown hermaphrodite.
Anyway, Dell Toledo is answering an add Elsa placed when she was trying to find the showstopper that ended up being Dot and Bette. Apparently the happy couple got themselves into some trouble in Chicago recently when Desiree was helping some poor kid pop his cherry....and Dell walked in and snapped his neck. On the road again.

Sing Out Louise! (Major points for those who get that reference).
It's audition time under the big top. Bette butchers a song completely, but Elsa doesn't seemed concerned about whether the twins are good at anything. They have two heads and are her opening act which is good enough. Dot, however, does have a hidden talent. After Jimmy encourages her to sing just to him, Dot croons "Dream a Little Dream" and we have ourselves an act.
Jimmy is inspired at this point. He's ready to make the world see that freaks are people too, so he takes a group of them to a nearby diner hoping for a normal lunch experience. Several customers either leave or make comments, but the initial sit-down goes okay. However, Dell happens to be passing by while he is hanging flyers and completely ruins everything. He yells at them, causing an uproar and scaring the diner's owner and staff. So much for "if they just get to know us." Dell takes Jimmy outside and beats him up while the rest of the freaks watch, and I'm pretty sure he just made some powerful enemies. Dell is definitely a dick.

The two other detectives arrive once more, acting on "an anonymous tip" to search the home of Dell Toledo. They find nothing in Dell's trailer and start to search everywhere. Dell had Jimmy's number from the start, and he planted the badge under Meep's bed. The detectives take Meep to the police station and throw him in a room of criminals who believe he's the serial killer. The next time we see Meep is when a couple of guys drop his dead body from a truck at the freak show entrance.
The episode ends there and I already hate Dell Toledo. His wife is awesome, but his treatment of
Speaking of boys without a daddy, Dandy is one warped dude. I can only imagine he will partner up with Twisty now (his very own clown) and I'd say the girl's days are limited. The little boy is probably still rescue-worthy, but who knows if other captives will join him in the upcoming episodes. Will Twisty and Dandy invade the freak show? Will anyone put Dell in his place? Will Desiree grow a 4th boob? Because that would be awesome. We'll see what happens in the coming weeks, but we've definitely got one hell of a fight brewing.
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