While last episode focused on Carol and Daryl (which was by far one of my favorite TWD episodes to date), this hour checks in with all of the scattered characters. As we get close to the mid season finale. I'm hoping this episode is setting up another big reunion, which this group really needs. After losing Bob, realizing that Eugene is a big effing liar, and seeing Carol's capture by the hospital douches, it's time for something good to happen. We're not quire there yet, but here's where with are with "Crossed."
The Most Useless Character Ever
Daryl and Noah have rallied the troops at the church to go on a rescue mission to get Carol and Beth out of the Atlanta hospital. Michonne, Carl, Judith, and Father "I'm gonna cry" Gabriel are staying behind. Probably just as well. Gabriel would be more of a liability on that mission than the baby at this point.

Garbriel inexplicably wanders through the woods and runs into a Walker pretty quickly. He throws her down to the ground and is about to beat her over the head with a rock...when he realizes she's wearing a cross around her neck. He cries (surprise) and leaves her there.
A Man Without A Mission
The "Get Eugene to Washington" team is still hanging out in the middle of the road trying to come up with a Plan B. Abraham hasn't moved from his dropping to his knees and sobbing position, and he's a real jerk to Smokin' Hot Rosita when she tries to help him. Eugene is knocked out cold but seems to be okay otherwise...the mullet stayed in tact so there can't be too much damage. Maggie "guards" Eugene and Abraham while the others go looking for water and food and tells Abraham to get over himself because he's not the only person affected by Eugene's lies. He eventually shows signs of getting his shit together.
Glenn, Stupid Tara, and Smokin' Hot Rosita are trying to filter water to be boiled later and Rosita tells them how she ended up with Eugene and Abraham. She says she was with a different group and they crossed paths in Dallas. Abraham realized that she could be a big help (heh) in getting Eugene to Washington and she was glad to feel needed. Glenn tells Smokin' Hot Rosita that regardless of what happens with Abraham and Eugene, she's welcome to be with their group. She happily accepts.
Who's The Boss?
Carol is in rough shape at the hospital. Beth overhears Dawn and one of her douchebag officers talking about finding Noah and pulling the plug on Carol. Beth freaks out, Dawn says to unplug the machines, and the douchebag leaves the room with a smile. Dawn tells Beth that her leadership is in question and she has to be a hard ass at all times now. She gives Beth the key to the drug locker and tells her to do what she can to save Carol. When Beth asks why Dawn is letting her do this, Dawn says she had thought Beth was weak, but Beth proved her wrong with the attempted escape. Interesting.

To The Rescue!
Tyreese tries to get Sasha to talk to him about how she's feeling. He reminds her that he's been through it himself (because this is the only way most viewers remember Karen ever existed), but Sasha's not looking to bond with her brother on this one. Much later in the episode she admits to feeling guilty about having Tyreese stop Bob's transformation instead of doing it herself. They hug it out and it's a nice moment between them.
When the rescue team sets up shop in a building near the hospital, Rick lays out an invasion plan that will allow them to take out the cops and get Carol and Beth out of there quickly. Tyreese goes back to his "I don't want to kill nobody" nonsense and suggests an alternate plan. He wants to lure two cops to their building, kidnap them, then arrange a trade. No one dies. Daryl agrees with Tyreese (really!?!?!) and this becomes their new plan. Since when does any scenario in The Walking Dead end with "no one dies?" These guys should know better at this point. Noah already told them Dawn is a crazy bitch, and given what JUST happened with The Governor and Gareth, you'd think the violent route would be the chosen route at this point.
Noah fires off some gunshots outside and draws a patrol car. Rick is able to get the two cops to put their weapons down and the male officer, Lamson, asks Rick if he's a cop. Lamson says he was too and Noah tells Rick that Lamson is "one of the good ones." Just then another patrol car pulls up and the female cop jumps inside as it speeds away. Sasha shoots one of the tires and the douchbags inside have to move on foot to get away from a bunch of Walkers. The female cop is re-captured, Daryl has a close call, but he and Rick overpower the extra cop, giving them three hostages.
The cops tell Daryl that there's a movement in the hospital to overthrow Dawn and replace her with Lamson...so Dawn might not trade Carol and Beth for them at all. Lamson says he's looking for peaceful resolution and offers to help in any way he can. He tells Rick how to talk to Dawn and what to say to get her to compromise. When Rick says "Thank you, Sergeant Lamson," he replies "My name is Bob." Sasha's interest is peaked...and I roll my eyes. The group then leaves to trade the other two cops and Sasha stays behind with Bob. He pours his heart out to her about one of his friends turned zombie and she's 100% invested in his story. Apparently this Walker is stuck nearby and Sasha offers to shoot this friend to put him out of his misery. When she allows Bob to accompany her to the window so he can show her the location, Bob headbutts her and runs away. Yup, you've been played Sasha.
The episode ends there and we are one week from the mid season finale. I have no idea what the hell Gabriel is doing out in the woods but I'm sure his stupidity will eff something up next week. I imagine Glenn and company will now head back to the church...though they'd be of much better use at the hospital. I have an awful, awful feeling about this prisoner trade, by the way. I wish they had just broken in and rescued Beth and Carol without worrying about killing the cops there. With Lamson on the loose now, I think something is going to go horribly wrong, and there will absolutely be blood shed in that hospital.
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