When we last saw the Grimes group, they had just survived one hell of a storm on their way to Washington DC. They were tired, grieving, and struggling with motivation. A mysterious man named Aaron showed up right at the end of that episode, promising good news. Here's what he actually delivered in "The Distance:"
Beautiful Stranger

Rick assumes Aaron has people near by that are going to raid the barn. He ties Aaron's hands behind
his back and starts asking him a lot of questions. He wants to know how many people Aaron brought with him. Aaron says "one" and asks what it will take for them to believe him. Michonne is all about checking out Aaron's story but Rick wants nothing to do with this guy or his community. Rick is alone here.
Michonne, Glenn, Abraham, Maggie and Smokin Hot Rosita go to find the cars Aaron said he and his one other friend drove there. Rick tells Aaron that if they do not return within an hour, he will put a knife in Aaron's skull. WHAT is the deal here? Rick was okay trying to do a "no one should be killed" hospital hostage trade where Beth died. He took in Noah with no problem...even took him to an overrun Richmond where Tyreese died. NOW we're being overcautious and violent?

I've Had A Taste For Danger
Glenn drives Michonne, Rick and Aaron in the car while everyone else rides in the RV behind. Michonne asks Aaron the 3 questions Rick always asks people before they join the group. Aaron says he's killed a lot of Walkers and two people...because they tried to kill him. Rick realizes just then that Aaron seems to have some sort of bugging/listening equipment in the car. Before he can be angry though, Glenn drives through a massive group of Walkers that he couldn't see, because AGAIN, they chose to do this in the dark on an uncleared road that Aaron didn't recommend. The car spins and breaks down and the RV is nowhere in sight. Super.
I'm thinking these guys are screwed and then a flare appears in the sky. Aaron starts to panic "It's over! Let me out!" Everyone gets out of the broken car and Rick says to leave Aaron behind. Glenn, Rick and Michonne run off in the dark woods and Walkers are EVERYWHERE. Glenn eventually saves Aaron, then the two of them save Michonne and Rick. These four start down the road on foot and find the group from the RV as well as Aaron's, um, boyfriend Eric. They share one hell of a kiss when reunited. Eric injured his leg in all of this and he's the one who shot off the flare. The gang in the RV saved him and Aaron is forever in their debt.
In the morning everyone gets in the RV and another car and starts the journey to Alexandria, where Aaron reveals his community lies. They see the Washington Monument and Capitol Building from the road, and I'm relieved those structures are still standing in The Walking Dead world. Having lived in the DC area for so long, seeing those pieces of history unscathed gives me hope for this group. Abraham and Smokin Hot Rosita seem to have hope too as they see the view from the driver and passenger seats in the RV. The episode ends with both vehicles arriving at a very large gate, with sounds of children playing behind it. Everyone approaches the gates on foot, cautious, but happy.

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