Tonight's episode of The Walking Dead takes us to a new community, a new group of non-Saviors, and (maybe) a new batch of friends as the title implies. The hour splits between the Grimes group's search for Gabriel and the goings on in The Kingdom, where Ezekiel is all kinds of clueless, Morgan is all kinds of conflicted, and Daryl is all kinds of awesome. Are we one step closer to the All Out War against Negan? Here's where we are after "New Best Friends."

The group returns to The Kingdom and Morgan approaches Daryl, I'm hoping to say "I totally effed up and we need to take out the Saviors." Nope. He stands there with that inner struggle look on his face and doesn't admit that the situation with the Saviors is out of hand. Daryl tells him "If Carol were here and she saw all that...she'd be leading us right to them, ready to kill them all."
Daryl leaves Morgan and finds Richard practicing his archery skills since, you know, the Saviors took his gun AND decreed he can no longer have one. He hands Daryl a crossbow to play with and then shows him the stash of weapons he has hidden in the woods. They walk out to the road where Richard explains his plans to ambush the Saviors when they come driving up. His plan is to attack the cars and when they retaliate, the Saviors will follow a trail that will point them back to a cabin nearby...Carol's cabin. He thinks an attack on Carol will prompt Ezekiel to fight. When Daryl realizes not only that Carol is nearby, but Richard wants to sacrifice her, he's pissssssssed. Richard keeps explaining it's what they "have" to do and Daryl keeps telling him to leave Carol alone. Richard. Dude. Stop talking or Daryl will shut you up. Too late! He beats Richard on the ground and the Saviors drive by and don't see them. He then threatens to kill Richard if Carol is harmed in any way...even if she gets struck by lightning. Ha!
Can You Picture This?
Rick and his search party silently make their way into a junkyard with a group of people who remind me of Das Sound Machine from Pitch Perfect 2. Their very odd leader, Jadis, tells Rick "we own your lives - wanna buy them back?" Rick asks to see Gabriel and the priest is brought out from behind the crowd. Jadis explains that their group "doesn't bother...we take." Seems the night Gabriel was keeping watch, he heard something in the pantry and when he went in, the garbage people jumped him and had him clear out the supplies. That being the case, the Grimes group has nothing to buy their lives back with. Rick tells Jadis about the Saviors. He says they either kill you or they own you. Jadis doesn't seem intimidated by this at all and as she smirks, I want these guys to burst into song so badly. Rick proposes an alliance with the junkyard jerks but he is denied and a fight begins. Gabriel somehow grabs a hold of a knife and holds it to a garbage girl's throat. He tells Jadis that the Saviors have more supplies than they could ever want. There's a lot of taking to be done there. "If you join us and we beat them together, you'll be rewarded more than you can imagine." Side note: I realize there are zombies everywhere and the general stench these days probably isn't great, but no one is even flinching or flaring a nostril in this place. There's no chance it smells the same as the surrounding land. None.
Jadis agrees to chat more about the possibilities of an alliance and two of Jadis' henchmen take Rick to the very top of a mountain of garbage. Turns out this junkyard is huge with many junk hills, nooks and crannies. Jadis tells Rick she is open to change but he needs to prove himself. And with that, she pushes him off the top of the garbage mountain into an area with the most awesome Walker ever. This thing is armored with a metal spikes helmet, obviously complicating the normal killing method. After taking a spike through the hand, Rick pulls a whole bunch of garbage down on the awesome Walker and in the process, he locates a sharp object. He's able to slice and dice the incapacitated Walker and Jadis tosses him a rope to climb the heap. She tells him he needs to get a lot of guns and then she will join the fight against the Saviors. The Grimes group is able to take some of the items back that were stolen and they get ready to hit the road. They need to find guns for the garbage people and they need to find them quickly.
Can You Picture This?
Rick and his search party silently make their way into a junkyard with a group of people who remind me of Das Sound Machine from Pitch Perfect 2. Their very odd leader, Jadis, tells Rick "we own your lives - wanna buy them back?" Rick asks to see Gabriel and the priest is brought out from behind the crowd. Jadis explains that their group "doesn't bother...we take." Seems the night Gabriel was keeping watch, he heard something in the pantry and when he went in, the garbage people jumped him and had him clear out the supplies. That being the case, the Grimes group has nothing to buy their lives back with. Rick tells Jadis about the Saviors. He says they either kill you or they own you. Jadis doesn't seem intimidated by this at all and as she smirks, I want these guys to burst into song so badly. Rick proposes an alliance with the junkyard jerks but he is denied and a fight begins. Gabriel somehow grabs a hold of a knife and holds it to a garbage girl's throat. He tells Jadis that the Saviors have more supplies than they could ever want. There's a lot of taking to be done there. "If you join us and we beat them together, you'll be rewarded more than you can imagine." Side note: I realize there are zombies everywhere and the general stench these days probably isn't great, but no one is even flinching or flaring a nostril in this place. There's no chance it smells the same as the surrounding land. None.

How Can You Just Leave Me Standing?
Carol is hanging out at home enjoying solitude but Ezekiel is once again out in her front yard. She reminds Ezekiel that she no longer wants visitors, but she does accept the cobbler he brought before giving him the boot. She sits back down on her couch to read a book (quite the cozy home she has made for herself) when there's a knock on the door. Carol opens the door expecting to yell at Ezekiel but she finds Daryl instead. She starts to cry. He starts to cry. I start to cry. They share a hug and Daryl looks at her with very sad eyes and asks "Why did you go?" Carol tearfully replies, "I had to."
Daryl hangs out in the house for a bit and they sit near her pretty awesome fireplace. Carol says that killing has taken its toll on her and she also couldn't bare to lose anyone else. If she had stayed with the group and the Saviors hurt any of their people, she would kill them because she had to. "And there wouldn't be anything left of me after that." She then asks Daryl if the Saviors came to Alexandria. He says they did. Carol's eyes well up with tears. "Did anyone get hurt? Is everybody okay? Did the Saviors... is everybody back home okay?" Daryl hesitates, then tells her "They came, we got em all. Made a deal with the rest of them like Ezekiel. Everyone's alright. Everyone's alright." They share a candlelit dinner and Daryl heads back to The Kingdom.

The episode ends there and while it wasn't an amazing episode, I'll take a Carol/Daryl reunion any way I can get it. I wanted him to move shower? I also wanted him to tell Carol about Glenn and Abraham and bring back the old badass Carol that blew up Terminus. I get why he didn't reveal the truth but I for real need her to come out of solitude. Will she head back to the Kingdom now that she believes Daryl lives there and all is well? Is someone going to clue her in on what happened to her fallen comrades? Can Morgan get his shit together already and provide Ezekiel some useful guidance? How quickly can Daryl and Jesus train the people of Hilltop for a war against a ruthless group of people? AND how quickly can Rick return to the junkyard with guns and, god willing, a shit ton of Lysol cans?
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