Tonight's episode of The Walking Dead leaves Eugene and The Saviors behind as we pick up with the Grimes gang on their journey to find "a lot of guns" for the garbage people. Because it's been quite a long time since we've seen legitimate romance on this show (RIP Glenn, Abraham, Denise, Jessie, Bob, Tyreese, Karen, Zach, and Lori...kinda), TWD writers throw us a bone this evening with a Richonne heavy hour. I said bone. Get your minds out of the gutter. How does our only current favorite couple fare on their weapons adventure? Here's where we are after "Say Yes."
If We Took A Holiday
The episode opens with Rick and Michonne in a van down by the river...well, in a van anyway. They have split off from the rest of their friends and have been busy clearing buildings, collecting supplies, having heart to heart discussions around the campfire, and getting it on. Lots of getting it on. Apparently the Walkers know when the van's a rockin,' don't come a knockin.' The couple has been out and about on their own for two days now and it's almost like a honeymoon. Good for them.
Rick and Michonne are walking through the woods with post-sex smiles on their faces when they approach a couple of Saviors practicing their golf swings in a clearing. They steal the supplies from the Saviors truck, including food, batteries, and a walkie talkie that doesn't appear to have the miraculous range that Jesus' walkie talkie does. Go figure. As they drive off in their van, Michonne says they've been away too long and need to finish their mission so they can get home. Rick wants another day and a half to savor this experience. Why not, right? Carl's probably back in Alexandria now watching Judith with his one eyeball and trying to take Polaroid selfies without ever managing the right angle. Why not stay away for a couple more days?

Put Your Troubles Down
Back in Alexandria, Tara has inherited her departed girlfriend's Medical Care for Dummies book and is trying to help Smokin' Hot Rosita with her stitches. Tara is all "everything is going to work out" and Smokin' Hot Rosita is all "We'll never find enough guns" and Tara looks like a wounded puppy. She tells her stitched friend to save some of the hostility for the Saviors and Smokin' Hot Rosita storms off saying she'll go find guns herself. Tara, meanwhile, heads to Rick's house to have a one-way conversation with Judith about Oceanside. She gives Judith her Oceanside bracelet and I'm sure Judith (who seems to have aged quite a bit by the way) appreciates the human interaction.
Smokin' Hot Rosita is unsuccessful in her quest for weapons. At one point she even clears a trailer because she thinks she sees a handgun...only to realize it's a toy after she's covered in Walker guts. She returns home and tells Gabriel once again that she's mad as hell and she's not going to take it anymore. She's tired of waiting for this war. Girl, we're ALL tired of waiting for this war. Gabriel allows her to take her anger out on him and then quietly replies,"How are you going to make what needs to happen, happen? Anything is possible until your heart stops beating."
You Can Turn This World Around
The next time we see Rick and Michonne, they realize they have fallen into a storage area with the motherload of supplies they've been hoping to find on this sexcapade. They share a candlelit dinner that evening and discuss what will happen once Negan is dead. Michonne thinks they need to re-order the world after it's no longer Negan's world. She wants Rick to be in charge of that and make sure all of the communities continue to work together. Rick isn't interested in this role solo but says he wants Michonne to re-order things with him. He also invites her to share the rest of his chili mac n' cheese. If that's not a proposal, I don't know what is.

Rick climbs a portion of the ferris wheel to shoot the deer because he must not realize the Walkers will surely eat a dead deer. He falls of course and the Walkers descend upon him. For whatever reason, TWD showrunners then do another Glenn fake out dumpster death with Michonne approaching the Walkers feasting on the body. Guys. It's the DEER. I wasn't worried for a second but I'll say I'm incredibly annoyed by the fake out. Rick pops out, he and Michonne dispose of the rest of the Walkers, and they make off with all of the supplies they are able to transport. Lucky for them there are a ton of soldier's bodies strewn about the grounds and they do find a decent amount of guns.
Richonne heads back to the garbage people and on the way Rick tells Michonne he hasn't been sleeping because he's been thinking about Glenn (sorry Abraham). He feels guilty because Glenn saved him right at the start...but he wasn't able to save Glenn. He says they are going to lose more people when they fight Negan. Maybe even each other. Michonne cries. "I can't lose you." Rick reminds her she'd have to move on without him and he'd have to move on without her - that it's all worth it because they are building a future for Judith and Glenn and Maggie's baby. "It's not about us anymore. It's about a future. And if it's me that doesn't make it, you're going to have to lead the others forward because you're the one who can."
One Day To Come Together
Rick, Michonne, Gabriel, Tara and Smokin' Hot Rosita regroup to drop the guns off to Jadis in the junkyard. There are 60 but and she's not thrilled. "Not enough," she says. To be fair, no one really asked for a number when she said they needed "a lot of guns." Jadis says she needs twice as many to be able to fight their fight. Rick wants to take some of the guns back with him in order to find more. She gets bitchy and he's done negotiating. They're taking 20 guns with them, getting the rest of the guns, and they are going to win the fight together. He looks her dead in the eyes: "Say yes." She does and Rick gets a few more days to go gun hunting and van rockin' with Michonne.
When everyone is back in Alexandria, Rick notices Smokin' Hot Rosita hasn't shown up for her guard shift. He asks Tara if she's seen her and a frazzled Tara replies that Rosita must have gone on a search for more guns. Tara looks terrified, pauses, and then says to Rick, "I have something to tell you."
![]() |
"Wait. This isn't a real gun." |
Smokin' Hot Rosita couldn't be found because she's made her way to Hilltop. She finds Sasha at Abraham's grave (of COURSE she does) and asks for Sasha's help to kill Negan. She's even come with a sniper rifle as a peace offering. Sasha realizes a mission to kill Negan is probably suicide mission, so she is in on one condition. "I get to take the shot."
The episode ends there and while this hour seemed to include a lot of filler, it was nice to see Rick and Michonne become stronger and take the only kind of vacation a couple can take during a zombie apocalypse. Given the status of power couples on this show though... I have to wonder when the happiness will be destroyed for these two. Is it possible for them both to make it through the All Out War alive? Is Tara going to cut the "turn that frown upside down" bullshit and tell everyone about the help they might find in Oceanside? Are Sasha and Smokin' Hot Rosita really going to become allies or is there still a cat fight to look forward to? AND is there a chance the garbage people could relocate to the carnival now that it's clear? It probably smells better and calling them "Carnies" would make these write-ups much easier.
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