Tonight's episode of The Walking Dead brings us a character death that we've been waiting for (no, not that one), takes us to tree-hugging Aaron in Oceanside, and finally reveals what Carl wrote to his dad with the very best of intentions. Negan's return home does not disappoint and the hour takes some twists and turns that I was not expecting. Here's what went down in "Worth."
Go On And Take A Bow
The episode opens with Rick sitting outside, watching Judith play (I love it when someone is actually watching Judith) and reading Carl's letter. I did not realize until tonight how lengthy it is. Did the show runners really make Chandler Riggs write these letters himself before he left? That's a huge bag of salt being rubbed in the "we're killing off your character" wound. Anyway, we hear Carl's voice as he shares memories from his 8th birthday, school, going to the movies, summer barbecues, and Friday night pizza. Carl says he always felt safe with his dad and had an idea of how he thought life would be when he grew up...before the apocalypse that is. Now he realizes: "Growing up is making yourself and the people you love safe, as safe as you can, because things happen. They happened before. You were shot before things went bad. It felt like things went bad when you were shot. I want to make you feel safe, Dad. I want you to feel like I felt when you held my hand - just to feel that way for 5 minutes. I'd give anything to make you feel that way now." Carl talks about how there are regular people working in the Sanctuary and they can be part of the big world that keeps changing. They deserve life and a way out. Carl tells his dad that he has to make peace with Negan so every life is worth something and everyone can feel safe.

You Look So Dumb Right Now
Aaron is still lurking in the woods outside of the Oceanside community and the ladies find him passed out in the mud after putting down a bunch of Walkers. He's weak, given he hasn't eaten or really had much water...because I guess he and Enid didn't pack supplies for their unapproved side mission? Aaron wakes and finds himself surrounded by the familiar Oceanside faces. He makes one more plea for them to join in the fight, but we do not find out their answer in this episode.
We visit the Sanctuary now where Dumbass Gregory is trying to make amends with Simon. He also wants to make things right with Negan and Simon notifies him that he himself is running the show. Simon's suck up game accelerates and he offers up his services to help manage things and navigate through the "politics" of Simon's new reign. When Simon dismisses him, Gregory finally grows some balls and he's appointed to the prestigious position maker.
Dwight is outside the compound on a smoke break when Negan returns home. He asks Dwight the normal "do you remember who you are?" nonsense and Dwight replies that he is still "Negan" of course. Dwight explains that he followed Simon's orders because Simon is the Number 2 man of the Saviors. Dwight remains an awful liar and Negan heads into the building to confront his Number 2. Simon apologizes to Negan for turning the punishment mission into an extermination mission and asks for a chance to make it up to him. Negan talks about how ruthless Simon has been in the past and mentions a community where Simon killed all of the men and boys...which I assume is Oceanside, or what is now Oceanside. He asks Simon to get down on his knees and I'm thinking "Woohoo! This is it!" Instead of bashing Simon's head with Lucille though, Negan tells him all is forgiven. What. The. Hell. Negan then reveals a map to Simon and his lieutenants and explains the next attack on Hilltop, which will be done with the bullets Eugene is making. So, this has gone back to an extermination? That's got to be a fake plan, right? What happened to people being valuable resources?
Dwight takes the map to his room and makes a copy to send to the Hilltopians along with a warning. Simon knocks on his door and tries to plan a mutiny with Dwight and other "like minded" Saviors. Because Dwight doesn't know which way is up at this point, he says he's on board with Simon.
You Put On Quite A Show
Daryl and Smokin' Hot Rosita prepare to raid Eugene's outpost while the mullet man is busy eating mac n' cheese and inspecting the progress of Negan's bullet order. Gabriel is still sick as shit but also still alive and kicking. Turns out his bullets are duds and he has been making them that way on purpose. "I don't want any of my people to die." Eugene dismisses him from the assembly line and walks outside just in time for Daryl and Smokin' Hot Rosita to take out his guards and kidnap him.
As the trio walks down the middle of the road in plain sight in broad daylight with the Saviors' probably already on their trail, Eugene begins one of his nerdy narratives about the way things were and how they are now. Daryl threatens him with his crossbow and Smokin' Hot Rosita breaks it up, but she also tells Eugene to keep his mouth shut. Eugene reminds her that when he told Negan he was the bullet maker after her failed attempt to kill Negan, he was speaking up to save her life. Eugene assumed he would be killed with his admission but instead he had a new chance at a life. The mullet man goes on to blame Rick for what's happened and Smokin' Hot Rosita puts her gun to Eugene's chin. She tells him they are going to keep him alive in a dark hole and only let him out when they need him to teach them how to do something. Ouch. No need to even ask if there will be wine involved, Dr. Smartypants.
A group of Walkers approaches and Daryl goes off to handle them solo so his partner can keep an eye on Eugene....who then does something I did not see coming at all. Eugene puts two of his fingers down his throat and then vomits all over (the still) Smokin' Hot Rosita. Then he runs as another group of Walkers approaches. She has to deal with them or die, so Eugene does escape his captors and returns safely to his outpost. He is notified that Negan is back home and needs all of the bullets ready for the following day's attack. Eugene is more than motivated to make that happen. My main question here is - are Daryl and Smokin' Hot Rosita currently taking turns kicking each other for losing Eugene? Of all the people they have captured over the years (or even during Maggie's 2 year first trimester), Eugene runs away easily? Escape through vomit? Freedom via puke? Breakout by barf? You get the picture.
Daryl and Smokin' Hot Rosita prepare to raid Eugene's outpost while the mullet man is busy eating mac n' cheese and inspecting the progress of Negan's bullet order. Gabriel is still sick as shit but also still alive and kicking. Turns out his bullets are duds and he has been making them that way on purpose. "I don't want any of my people to die." Eugene dismisses him from the assembly line and walks outside just in time for Daryl and Smokin' Hot Rosita to take out his guards and kidnap him.

A group of Walkers approaches and Daryl goes off to handle them solo so his partner can keep an eye on Eugene....who then does something I did not see coming at all. Eugene puts two of his fingers down his throat and then vomits all over (the still) Smokin' Hot Rosita. Then he runs as another group of Walkers approaches. She has to deal with them or die, so Eugene does escape his captors and returns safely to his outpost. He is notified that Negan is back home and needs all of the bullets ready for the following day's attack. Eugene is more than motivated to make that happen. My main question here is - are Daryl and Smokin' Hot Rosita currently taking turns kicking each other for losing Eugene? Of all the people they have captured over the years (or even during Maggie's 2 year first trimester), Eugene runs away easily? Escape through vomit? Freedom via puke? Breakout by barf? You get the picture.
How Bout A Round Of Applause?
The "like minded" group of Saviors as well as Dumbass Gregory meet outside the compound and Simon talks about killing Negan. He wants it to be quick and respectful and offers the honor to Dwight, who stays silent. Simon then announces step 2 in the takeover, which will indeed be wiping out all of Hilltop. We then hear that familiar whistle once again and Negan arrives. Of course Dwight ratted out Simon and to my complete disbelief, Simon looks surprised. A series of gunshots from Negan's loyalists take out the other traitors, with the exception of Dumbass Gregory, and now Simon has to face his fate. I assume Negan is going to bash his head in, but he instead offers Simon a one-on-one fight to the death. Well hell, Negan's been practicing this with Rick for weeks so he should automatically have the upper hand, right?
The fight to the death takes place in front of everyone in the Sanctuary. In the chaos, Dwight hands his map copy and car keys to Dumbass Gregory and tells him his only shot at safety now is to go back to Hilltop and tell Rick what's happening. I still don't understand why he's alive, but Dumbass Gregory bolts (and finds himself back in the prisoner pen when he arrives at Hilltop) just as Negan does win the fight against Simon. Negan chokes the guy to death and I clap very loudly from my couch. So long, asshole. But the show actually isn't over. As Dwight walks through the halls with Negan after the fight, Negan promotes Dwight to his Number 2. What Dwight doesn't count on is walking back into his room to find Laura sitting there...Laura who knows Dwight is a traitor....Laura who was the hidden person Negan picked up on the side of the road last week. Negan's Hilltop plan is indeed a fake plan. He knew Dwight would warn Hilltop and now Rick and company will be walking into a trap. Dwight, you are SO screwed. Negan calls Dwight a lot of names but says he's not going to kill Dwight because he has bigger plans for him.
The fight to the death takes place in front of everyone in the Sanctuary. In the chaos, Dwight hands his map copy and car keys to Dumbass Gregory and tells him his only shot at safety now is to go back to Hilltop and tell Rick what's happening. I still don't understand why he's alive, but Dumbass Gregory bolts (and finds himself back in the prisoner pen when he arrives at Hilltop) just as Negan does win the fight against Simon. Negan chokes the guy to death and I clap very loudly from my couch. So long, asshole. But the show actually isn't over. As Dwight walks through the halls with Negan after the fight, Negan promotes Dwight to his Number 2. What Dwight doesn't count on is walking back into his room to find Laura sitting there...Laura who knows Dwight is a traitor....Laura who was the hidden person Negan picked up on the side of the road last week. Negan's Hilltop plan is indeed a fake plan. He knew Dwight would warn Hilltop and now Rick and company will be walking into a trap. Dwight, you are SO screwed. Negan calls Dwight a lot of names but says he's not going to kill Dwight because he has bigger plans for him.

Well kids, there's only one episode left this season and only one more opportunity to see if the Rick/Negan dialogue changes, if there's a Rick/Negan fight that doesn't end with one of them disappearing with no resolution, or if a miraculous truce between the two sides happens after all. And as much as I groaned when the camera cut to Aaron, I have to assume we'll see Oceanside be useful next week. But will Dwight or at least the other half of his face end up as a casualty? Will Gabriel die some sort of hero's death in the bullet delivery? Will Morgan survive the hour now that we know his character is heading to Fear the Walking Dead? We only have a short time to find out...but for now, I am seriously craving some mac n' cheese.
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