Finally! Kinda. Tonight's episode of American Horror Story: Apocalypse took another strange turn as we peeled back more layers from the often annoying inhabitants of Outpost 3, learned a bit more about Matrix Miriam, and encountered a scorned significant other out for revenge. Oh...and then there's the 20 seconds of Coven/Murder House crossover. Are we getting somewhere that will satisfy those of us waiting for a Constance/Fiona/Tate/Misty/Vivien extravaganza? Here's where we are after "Forbidden Fruit."
Have You Seen The Lady Fairer
We open the hour with Langdon continuing his interviews to determine who is worthy of going to the sanctuary, which is a place I am not convinced is even real at this point. He saves Timothy and Emily from execution even though Timothy shot Matrix Miriam's robot guts, and he informs Gallant that Evie "died peacefully in her sleep." Riiiiiiight. I realize for the first time that Andre is Dinah's son (has that been mentioned before?) and he's not a fan of his mom, and Dinah apparently has met Langdon before. Though we get no details of their past history, it does not seem like they were BFFs.

Her Face Is Like A Sail
We catch up now with Matrix Miriam who is coming to terms with the fact that she is a robot. She explains to Wilhemina that she has memories of growing up and we flash back to a young Miriam trick-or-treating as Rosie the robot from The Jetsons. Foreshadow much? She remembers receiving apples instead of candy at times and she hates apples. We then see a teenage Miriam on her first date, coincidentally on Halloween. The boy in question takes her to see Rosemary's Baby and tries to make a move on her, which she violently declines. Interesting choice of Rosemary's Baby here considering Langdon is pretty much the spawn of Satan. Jumping to another Halloween, Matrix Miriam gets her first kill as an agent of, I'm assuming, The Cooperative. Quite a fulfilling life for someone with robot guts and an unforgivable haircut. Matrix Miriam also shares that at one point in time she took care of a young boy with long blond hair. "I can feel the love I have for him. When I turn to look at his face in my memories, he's just a blur." Interesting.
Wilhemina tries to comfort the lamenting robot by telling her the two of them are family now. She says they need to protect the outpost and maintains that she does not trust Langdon. Wilhemina confides that he has already told her she did not make the sanctuary cut, and Matrix Miriam is outraged. Her mechanical instincts are telling her they should just kill everyone. Even Langdon. The two agree they should take possession of his computer, figure out where the sanctuary is, and travel there together. So much for protecting the outpost.
How do these two ladies plan to dispose of their bunker buddies? It just so happens another dark carriage arrives. There's no driver....kind of like there was no pilot on the plane that brought Coco and company to the outpost, but no one seems super concerned about this (how is no one super concerned about this?). The carriage delivers a whole bunch of delicious looking red apples and Wilhemina and Matrix Miriam hatch a Halloween plan. They will throw a masquerade ball in honor of the holiday and have everyone eat poison apples. The snakes are still in alive and in house, and the ladies extract venom and sabotage the fresh fruit.
Like A Sunset Going Down
The annoying inhabitants of Outpost 3 are overjoyed at the Halloween ball announcement. They show up in dashing outfits, except for the grays who are just in gray, and the group finally looks like they are enjoying themselves. Coco dances with a masked man, who she assumes is Langdon, and they disappear to a bedroom. Everyone wants to bone Langdon apparently. To her surprise, it's BROCK! The boyfriend she ditched in Santa Monica! He snuck in during the apple delivery! He's been wandering the earth for the past 18 months looking for Coco and he's had some, um, radiation damage for sure. At first I think this will be a happy reunion...but then he puts a knife through her head and I realize dude had alternate plans. Question though - if Brock is there with all of his contamination, why haven't any of the machines or alerts gone off?
While Langdon is not in attendance, the rest of the group is now having a blast while bobbing for apples. Wilhemina asks everyone to wait to eat their apples until the game is over and they all have one. The party-goers comply, all happily chowing down on the apples at the exact same time. What happens next is disgusting. Kind of like I mentioned Linda Blair before, these fools proceed to projectile vomit on each other. I begrudgingly watched this scene a few times to note who was in the room and while we only specifically see Timothy, Emily, Gallant, Dinah, Andre, and Mallory succumb to the poison, there were some of Matrix Miriam's henchmen and other members of Team Gray in the room holding apples at one point as well. After the foaming at the mouth and puking subsides, Wilhemina and a gun toting Matrix Miriam go in search of Coco and Langdon, not realizing Coco has already met her end and a tainted killer is inside the compound.
Langdon is busy hanging out in his room doing work on the computer that doesn't seem to need a power source. He laughs when the ladies enter and threaten him. Wilhemina looks very smug when she signals "Ms. Mead" to fire her weapon. Nothing. She repeats, "Ms. Mead" with a bit more desperation but Matrix Miriam points the gun at her boss and shoots her instead. We then realize that Miriam is Langdon's robot. He had her designed in the image of someone from his childhood. Someone who took care of him. "I lost you and I couldn't bear it. I can't imagine a new world without you by my side - the only woman who ever really understood me." Constance? It has to be Constance, his grandmother, right? The apple plan was Langdon's as well and Miriam was programmed to relay the plan to Wilhemina. His entire visit was just to have the inhabitants of the outpost destroy one another.
So Fair And Pale
The episode ends with a trio of women entering Outpost 3. The masquerade ball ballad playing in the background suddenly switches to The Rolling Stone's "She's a Rainbow" as Supreme Cordelia, Madison Montgomery, and Myrtle Snow spread out to find their "sisters." I feel like the last time I saw Myrtle she was being burned at the stake for a second time, but we know that death is seldom a permanent thing in the world of American Horror Story. These 3 witches find their 3 sisters and we see Coco, Mallory, and Dinah swiftly raised from the dead. Whoa! Coco is a witch? I had my hunch about Dinah after her interview with Langdon, but I didn't guess Coco's connection with the Coven. I assume payback with be a bitch for Brock when she tracks him down, but that doesn't happen tonight. The final exchange of the evening comes when Madison hovers over a very confused looking Mallory. She says to the former Team Gray member: "Surprise, bitch. I bet you thought you'd seen the last of me."
And there we have it. The majority of the characters we've been tolerating listening to for the past 2 weeks are dead, and for one brief shining moment, it looks as though the promised crossover is coming full steam ahead. Of course this turn leaves me with many questions. I had assumed Timothy and Emily's special genetic something that brought them to the outpost meant that they would end up repopulating the earth and stuff. I thought the whole Adam and Eve, forbidden fruit thing was a clear indication that the future lies with them, and yet they exchanged the same apple barf that everyone else did. Will they be resurrected as well or was their story-line pointless? Did Dinah's now departed son know she was a witch? Did he have powers too? Are we going to see him brought back as well? How do Madison and Mallory know one another? Was Mallory once Madison's assistant before moving on to help Coco's budding social media career? How did the Coven know these ladies were in Outpost 3? How many witches are still around if Langdon thinks he defeated all of them?
And speaking of the evil Willy Wonka, has Langdon been traveling from outpost to outpost encouraging the inhabitants to off one another? Does he have a Miriam type robot stationed at each one? Is he really looking for people to join him in his "new world" or is he just enjoying the chaos in between writing emails? And finally, was this really Halloween week or was Wilhemina bullshitting us on that one? Because if Halloween has come and gone....and no one else from Murder House showed up, I worry that we'll be waiting quite a while before we see the rest of the Langdon family or any of the Harmons.
And speaking of the evil Willy Wonka, has Langdon been traveling from outpost to outpost encouraging the inhabitants to off one another? Does he have a Miriam type robot stationed at each one? Is he really looking for people to join him in his "new world" or is he just enjoying the chaos in between writing emails? And finally, was this really Halloween week or was Wilhemina bullshitting us on that one? Because if Halloween has come and gone....and no one else from Murder House showed up, I worry that we'll be waiting quite a while before we see the rest of the Langdon family or any of the Harmons.
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