When we last left the zombie apocalypse survivors of The Walking Dead,
the sometimes dirty and mostly unshaven inhabitants of the prison welcomed the
remaining Woodbury folks. Having lost
T-Dog, Lori, Andrea, Merle and Hershel’s leg, the Grimes group has already been
through their fair share of heartache in the short time they had called the
prison “home,” and God knows what will happen with all of these new residents.
The Governor is still at large, much to the disappointment of many fans (myself
included) but as long as Michonne and her katana stick around, it’s tough to be
disgruntled. Here’s where we are after the Season 4 premiere.
It’s a Farmer’s Life
When the episode opens we see scruffy Rick surveying the land outside
of the prison. I assume he is going out on patrol…but he’s actually heading out
to his crops. Yup, Rick is now a farmer. Color me surprised. While digging and
sifting through the dirt around some sort of green goodness, he comes across a
handgun. Rick looks up at the Walkers gnashing their teeth at the fence, tosses
the gun parts into his wheelbarrow, then continues his work.

Carl is pulling his weight as a farmer as well, though he is very concerned
about one of the pigs –one he calls Violet. Rick scolds him for naming the pig,
reminding him that the animals are food, not pets. My mind immediately goes to “fish
are friends, not food!” Anyway, Carl is also trying to be a normal pre-teen…or
teen…I’m not really sure how old he is supposed to be at this point given the
actor who plays him has definitely hit puberty. He’s into comic books and seems
to be trying to balance out that who “kill or be killed” upbringing. Good for him.
Fancy Meeting You Here
Rick notices on his excursion to check the traps that the animals in
the woods, whether trapped or not, are dying or dead anyway. There are no
Walker bits or anything – they are sick with most likely the same thing that is
ailing Violet the pig.
Rick doesn’t have a lot of time to think on this though as a creepy
ass woman comes into view also checking on the animals. She asks for help
getting a dead pig home, saying she and her husband have not eaten in days,
which I totally buy given how she looks. Knowing that the pig is bad news, Rick
offers her a sandwich instead. The woman tearfully asks if she and her husband
could leave with Rick, and he cautiously says he needs to meet her husband
first. Rick has three questions for him.

The two finally make it to Camp
Creepy and to Rick’s surprise, Eddie won’t be answering any questions. Eddie is
pretty much just the head of a Walker. Clara was hoping to feed Rick to Eddie
but Rick pulls his gun on her. She tells Rick that she can’t be without Eddie.
She then decides that she wants to also be like Eddie. As Clara grasps her
knife, she begs Rick to let her become a Walker then stabs herself. As she
dies, Clara asks Rick to tell her what the three questions were. Rick asks how
many Walkers has she killed? Clara states
Eddie killed them all. He asks how many people has she killed? Clara says “just
me.” When Rick asks why, she tells him that you can’t come back from the things
you’ve done. She then dies. Rick honors her wishes and lets her become a
Walker. Clara is next seen approaching the fence of the prison. I hope this
decision doesn’t come back to bite him….literally.
Please Won’t You Be My Neighbor
The people of Woodbury treat Daryl like a rock star, and why not? Dude
is a badass. Nerdy Patrick alone seems to melt when Daryl shakes his hand. I
would too…but for totally different reasons. As far as new character introductions
go, Nerdy Patrick is joined by Karen (Tyreese’s new girlfriend, Zach (Beth’s
new boyfriend) and Bob…who seems to have some medical experience. Uh oh, watch
out Hershel.
There are many other new prison residents as well, and they are
lending a hand, killing the Walkers at the fence, cooking, etc. The children,
however, haven’t seemed to found their niche yet though. Carl and Nerdy Patrick
find them talking to the Walkers as if they are watching cartoons on TV. Two
sisters in particular started naming the Walkers as well, receiving a quick lecture
from Carl. He tells the girls the Walkers are not pets and shouldn’t have names
because they’re dead. Sister #1 responds “They’re not dead…they’re just different.”
Well, yeah kid. They’re different because they’re dead.
When we next see the sisters, they are taking part in “story time.” Carol
reads to Woodbury children, a guy who seems to be there for security, and Nerdy
Patrick. You would think she is trying to help them retain their innocence, but
when the security guy leaves, Carol begins another lesson. She teaches the
children about weapons. Nerdy Patrick can’t handle it and leaves just as Carl
arrives and catches Carol showing the kids how to hold a knife. D’oh!

The sword wielding phenom goes on a run with Daryl, Glenn, Tyreese,
Sasha, Bob and Zach. Bob sees a shelf of alcohol at the store and holds one of
the bottles like Gollum clung to “precious.” I guess it’s safe to assume he has
a drinking problem. He also has another problem – when he forcefully puts the
bottle back on the shelf, the whole thing collapses on him…serving as a dinner
bell for the Walkers. Way to go, buddy.
There is a hoard of Walkers milling about on the already unstable roof
and as they make their way to the scavengers, the roof caves in and this run turns
into an air attack. Glenn has a close call, and I’m thinking that Bob is a
goner for sure, but ultimately Zach is the causality here.
Daryl approaches Beth’s “bedroom” when the group returns. He tells her
about Zach and waits for her to break down. Instead, Beth goes to the sign on
the wall that says “30 Days Without An Accident” and removes the 3. Damn. Beth and Daryl share a hug in the doorway of
her cell, as Nerdy Patrick makes his way to the showers…vomiting and then
dying. The episode ends with Nerdy Patrick becomes Zombie Patrick.
Wow. This was quite a kick off to Season 4 with some unexpected turns.
I was not expecting Rick to become so peaceful in the wake of the new tenants.
I had thought for sure he would be even more paranoid than before (where’s
ghost Lori?). I was also not expecting this mystery illness that is taking out
the animals and now possibly Nerdy Patrick. Man, if I were to survive a zombie apocalypse
only to die of the flu, I would be sooooo pissed. We’ll see how this plays out
soon but here’s hoping our favorites last for the duration…or at least close to
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