Remember when the previous episode of The Walking Dead ended and we were left with all of those questions? Yeah, well...hold on to those. This episode is completely dedicated to The Governor. Feel free to re-read that sentence and feel as discouraged as I do. Here's where we are after the "Live Bait" hour:

Introducing Lilly and Tara, two sisters held up in an apartment waiting for the National Guard to arrive. Heh. That's going to be one hell of a wait. They live with their father, who is dying of lung cancer, and Lilly's adorable daughter Megan, who does not speak. Tara is a badass, or at least she thinks she is and she makes all kinds of threats about killing The Governor if he tries anything funny. He tells the group his name is "Brian" and he is just looking to stay the night. When dad asks "Brian" if he has kids, the one-eyed liar says no.
Later on in the evening "Brian" retrieves a backgammon set from room 303. The dying old man thinks that special game might help make his granddaughter talk again. Megan is over the moon to be playing backgammon with her grandpa, and I'm wondering why The Governor is suddenly so accommodating.

Lilly visits "Brian" in his apartment and nurses his wounds. She tells him that he won't need any stitches....and she then says one of the best lines I've heard on this show. "Nobody ever mentioned just how boring the end of the world was going to be." Honey, you don't know the half of it. You should have been on the almost endless search for Sophia in Season 2. Lilly also explains that Megan initially thought her dad was coming home to her when she looked out the window and saw him on the street. He had gone out for some beer and lottery tickets more than three years ago and never came back. Bummer. Megan arrives just then to ask "Brian" about his missing eye and they have a little chat, complete with a pinky promise. Apparently the kid is talking again...and apparently she likes scary looking bearded men with eye patches.

They all cope with this in different ways - Megan goes back to not talking, Tara tells "Brian" they're cool now because he saved them, and The Governor burns his family picture. Is he leaving that life behind him now? Perhaps. Lilly, Tara and Megan leave the apartment building with him and they are ready to follow him anywhere. They take off in a food truck (convenient), which doubles as a mobile home. Megan is having a tough time getting close to "Brian" now that he bludgeoned her grandpa, but luckily Lilly is giving him all the closeness he needs. They totally get it on in the truck, and I'm pretty sure Tara and Megan are sleeping near them. It's good to be the king?
The food truck ends up breaking down and the group has to begin a new journey on foot. Tara loses all of her badassery when she trips and effs up her ankle. To make matters worse, she does so right near a mass of Walkers. Time to run...but Megan freezes. The Governor calls her to him like a dog and that seems to work okay. Mission accomplished - he banged the mom, and now he's got a daughter. He promises Megan that he'll never let anything happen to hear...just as Martinez arrives.
Oh. Shit.
The episode ends there, so I am anticipating that the next hour will also feature The Governor's journey. Now that Martinez is back, I'm also assuming "Brian's" identity will be revealed. Will there be a power struggle? Is Tara screwed now that she has the sprained ankle? Do I care? Not really. I'm more concerned about the Grimes group, the prison, and Carol. I need to know where Carol is. If The Governor ends up running into her in the next episode, that would be awesome.
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