We've reached the mid season finale on The Walking Dead as well as the showdown between the prison group and The Governor's new "family." After two weeks of agony watching The Governor remain a number 1 douchebag, I'm ready for this. The episode is a heartbreaker, but here's where we are when "Too Far Gone" ends...
Thank You Jesus

What...A Crock
The Governor stands smugly telling his followers that they have to take over the prison. He says the terrible people who ruined Woodbury have everything Camp "Brian" needs. And of course - he has a plan that involves no one getting hurt (riiiight) and he's already gotten the ball rolling. The Governor kidnapped Michonne and Hershel, saying they are the key to getting the prison without firing a single shot. Really? How so, asshole? When the group seems uneasy about all of this, The Governor reminds them that the prison inhabitants "mutilated me and killed my daughter." Suddenly everyone is in and my blood is boiling.
The Governor has Hershel and Michonne tied up in one of the trailers. He tells the captives that no one will hurt them but they know better. "I'm gonna kill you," Michonne says. Oh pleeeeease let that be true. Hershel suggests they all live together in the prison. He notes a change in The Governor and tries to play into it. No dice though. The Governor is still a dick.
Annnd They're Off!
Camp "Brian" relocates the trailers to the water. He assures everyone who is staying behind that they will all be safe there. Lilly is really uneasy about all of this. She's starting to have doubts about "Brian" and I do give her a little credit. It took Andrea way too long to stop being stupid about The Governor last season. He tells Lilly that he loves her and vows to keep her and Meghan safe. He then asks Meghan for a hug before he goes on his mission and the two share a sweet moment.
The blast heard inside the prison walls is The Governor and his tank. He stands arrogantly, surrounded by his naïve followers as he calls Rick out for a meeting. Rick explains that The Council runs things now...so The Governor plays the "I have Hershel and Michonne" card. We see the "oh shit" look spread across the faces of the prison group, and I'm ready to throw things. The Governor tells Rick once again to come to the fence to have a talk and Rick really has no choice now but to comply.
Daryl, Sasha and Tyreese spread the word that if things go bad, everyone is getting the hell of there and hopping on the bus. Apparently they've had an escape plan ready, but this is probably the biggest group the Grimes gang has ever had to evacuate (assuming all of the Woodbury people weren't killed by the flu). The kids are preparing as well. Some of them start to make their way to the bus while others, like Lizzie and Mika, are arming themselves. Carol taught them well?
While they coordinate...Rick approaches The Governor and asks for him to release the hostages. The one-eyed bastard tells Rick that the prison group has until sundown to clear out or they will take the prison. Rick tries to reason with him - says there are sick people, sick children inside who won't survive if they leave. Some of the people of Camp "Brian" are starting to look like they regret this plan.
Worst. Mother. Ever.
So, during the last episode Meghan was nearly killed by a Walker while Lilly was talking to "Brian" about their future together. Now, for whatever reason, Lilly sits on top of a trailer while Meghan makes mud pies rather far away. Totally makes sense when the majority of the people who could protect you are somewhere else. Lilly sees a Walker trying to make his way across the water as Meghan asks for help digging...you know...from way the hell over there where she's playing. Lilly is slow as hell getting up because she's still looking at the Walker who is carried away in the water, so she completely misses the fact that Meghan has dug up a Walker herself. She finally arrives at the way the hell over there place, but not before Meghan is bitten. Way to go, Lilly.
Make Your Move
The Governor is now really ramping up his douchiness as he threatens to kill everyone in the prison group, noting his manpower as well as his weaponry. He puts the choice on Rick and shoots a few Walkers coming by...thereby drawing more Walkers. Rick makes one last plea, offering to welcome Camp "Brian" into the prison but living in completely different areas. The Governor says his family wouldn't sleep well that way. Hershel jumps in and tries to help the conversation, but The Governor will not negotiate. Rick says "We're not leaving." He tells The Governor that if they all start shooting and fighting the Walkers will come and take down the fences, and then no one will be able to live in the prison. "We can all live in the prison or none of us can."

Everything is Chaos
Michonne rolls out of the way and is able to free herself. Rick gets shot. The Governor gets shot. Tara drops her gun and realizes she sucks. Maggie sends Glenn and a bunch of Woodbury people off on the bus but then continues to fight along side Bob and Sasha. Daryl kills Mitch then leaves with Beth. Tyreese has a really close call but is saved by a gun toting Lizzie...who puts a bullet in Alisha's brain. That's fine. I kind of hate Tara anyway so the death of her girlfriend works for me.
Rick tackles The Governor and they begin one hell of a fist fight. The Governor has the upper hand (literally) for a while before the katana blade plunges through his chest. Yay! Michonne is my hero! She leaves The Governor to bleed out and I just want to kiss her. When he opens his eye one last time, Lilly fires a gun at his head. Fantastic.
Rick stumbles his way into the prison yard to find Carl, who is safe but looking for baby Judith. They come upon an empty carrier...that has blood in it. Really!?!? Rick and Carl break my heart for a second before escaping on their own. Rick tells Carl not to look back as the prison is taken over by Walkers.
Sooo...The Governor is dead. I can't possibly express how happy that makes me. I think we all knew that his death would come at the expense of a death of a beloved character, but I never imagined Hershel would meet his end the way he did. Hershel's death was brutal and it's a shame that everyone, including his daughters, had to witness it. And what about Judith? Do we think someone snatched her up at the last minute? Someone on the bus that we didn't see? One of the kids? Did Carol swoop in and save the day? Oh how I would love that. I'm also really hoping the escape plan included a meeting spot. It's going to drive me crazy to see all of them split up, but I'm eager to see how they all do on their separate journeys.
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