We have reached the season finale of The Walking Dead, and while I have anticipated so many things in this hour, it's starting to sink in that we will have several months to wait before witnessing the next chapter in this story. When we last left our beloved characters, one group converged and arrived at Terminus, two groups were on their way, and one group was hunting Rick...which was sending them to Terminus by default.
The Power Of The Flashback
The episode opens during a happier time at the prison. Maggie and Glenn return from a run and are greeted by Hershal. Rick, Carol, Tyreese and Carl are trying to keep the fence Walkers at bay. When this first of many flashbacks starts to fade out, we cut to present day...where a very bloody Rick sits alone outside of a car. More on that later.
On another prison day Hershel wakes Rick but assures him everything is okay. Rick asks about the time but Hershel had stopped paying attention to time once he gave Glenn his watch. "It's always right now to me." Rick stands to put his gun belt on and Hershel tells him to leave it...it will only get in the way. The wise old man suggests they domesticate the pigs from the forest. He wants to teach Rick how to plant seeds so they can grow their own food, and he wants Rick to be able to teach Carl this skill as well. Rick is immediately defensive, saying the prison people need him to protect them, but Hershel tells Rick that he deserves a break. Everything is running well, and Carl needs his father...and he needs his father to show him the way. "We can make this better now."
Rick goes back into the prison, where Nerdy Patrick plays with legos while Carl cleans his gun. Rick tells Carl that he needs his help with something, instructing him to leave his gun because it will only get in the way. With Hershel's help, Rick teaches Carl how to plant and tend to the crops while Beth and a very happy Judith look on. Rick jokes that Carl needs a farming hat and he places his sheriff's hat on Beth's head. He says "there's a new sheriff in town" and everyone smiles. This scene makes me sad given all that has transpired since then.
Rick goes back into the prison, where Nerdy Patrick plays with legos while Carl cleans his gun. Rick tells Carl that he needs his help with something, instructing him to leave his gun because it will only get in the way. With Hershel's help, Rick teaches Carl how to plant and tend to the crops while Beth and a very happy Judith look on. Rick jokes that Carl needs a farming hat and he places his sheriff's hat on Beth's head. He says "there's a new sheriff in town" and everyone smiles. This scene makes me sad given all that has transpired since then.
One Step Closer
The trio sits at a fire, cooking a canned something that clearly won't satisfy all of the hunger they are battling. The group goes to check the snares and discusses their Terminus plans along the way. Carl wants to know if they are going to tell the Terminus folks who they are and everything that's happened to them. Rick says they will definitely disclose who they are...to which Carl replies: "Who are we?" No time for an answer. Walkers are on the prowl and there's a rabbit in the snare. Rick explains that a snare is set up on a trail with a noose on the path. Oh weird. Kind of sounds like Terminus.

Douchebags R Us
Rick hears a noise but it appears as though nothing is near them. He resumes his conversation with Michonne, but then we see a gun shoved against his temple. It's Joe and the douchebags...but no sign of Daryl. Joe talks about restitution on New Year's Eve (apparently it's New Year's Eve) while douchebag #2 pulls Carl from the car. Daryl pops up just then and looks horrified. He says "these are good people" which Joe calls bullshit on immediately. He reminds Daryl that Rick killed a member of the douchebag club....meaning there's no way he could be "good people." Uh oh. Daryl is a liar now and has broken the rules. A beating ensues.

We go back to the opening scene with Rick sitting with blood all over him in front of the car. Carl sleeps in Michonne's lap inside the vehicle while Daryl helps Rick clean up. He explains that he was with Beth and that Beth is "just gone." Daryl says he knew the douchebag club was bad, but he was alone, and they had a code...and that was something at least. Daryl also tells Rick that when the guys said they spotted the man they were looking for, he was going to leave...but then realized the man they were about to attack was Rick. "I didn't know what they could do." Rick looks at Daryl and says "you're my brother" and it's a very tender moment. Daryl comments that what Rick did to Joe and douchebag #2 isn't like him. Well, it definitely isn't like Farmer Rick or Where's Ghost Lori Rick. But Rick says "It's me. It's how we're here now. That's all that matters." Welcome back, buddy.
Welcome to Terminus?
The Grimes boys, Michonne and Daryl arrive
at Terminus through the woods rather than the main path. Rick wants to be
cautious about this supposed safe haven. Rick asks that everyone split up and
watch the place for a little while...look for anything suspicious. Carl goes
off with Michonne and she tells him a little bit more about her little boy,
Andre. She says that she had taken Andre and gone with her boyfriend (Mike) and
his friend Terry to a refugee camp when things started to get bad. The home
they found there did not stay happy for long, as people were giving up and
leaving. Michonne had not given up though. She had come back from a run and saw
the fences were down. Mike and Terry were high when the Walkers took over the
camp...so they were bit. Michonne let them turn instead of killing them and she
dragged them around on ropes the way she did with the two random Walkers after
the prison fell apart. There are no details about Andre but we assume he had become Walker dinner. She says she was "gone" for a long time, but
Rick, Carl and the gang brought her back. Michonne tells Carl not to be afraid
of her and not to be afraid of Rick given what he did to their attackers. Carl
isn't afraid...he calls himself a monster too.

Alex leads them to the garden and bbq area
and asks chef Mary to make the group a plate. Michonne asks the question everyone is thinking - why do they let
people in? As Alex says "When people become a part of us, we get
stronger" Rick starts to look around. He's noticing some things....like
someone wearing Glenn's armor and someone else wearing Maggie's pullover. He
then sees Hershel's watch sticking out of Alex's pocket and flips out. Even
though he is GREATLY outnumbered, Rick puts a gun to Alex's head and asks where
the watch and other items came from. Alex says the things Rick is asking about
came off of dead people. So wait...are Glenn and Maggie dead or are the Terminus
crazies lying? Gareth appears but before a civil conversation can take place,
one of the roof gunmen takes out Alex. Everyone starts firing (the rest of the
terminus people are horrible shots by the way) and the group finds their way
into a building...after passing by some hanging clothes and human skeletons.

Knowing they can't linger in this room for
long, the group heads back outside and find themselves essentially screwed.
Gareth tells them to drop their weapons and walk one by one to the train car (marked with a giant "A") on the left. "First the ring leader,
then the archer, then the samurai." Carl is able to walk over last and
then they all pile into the very dark train car. They are not alone though.
Glenn, Maggie, Sasha, Bob, Tara, Eugene, Abraham and Smokin' Hot Rosita are
there too! They're all alive! No sign of Carol, Tyreese, Judith or Beth though.
Looking around the train car, Rick pauses for a second then says "They're
gonna feel really stupid when they find out." Abraham replies "Find
out what?" After another dramatic pause... "They're screwing with the
wrong people."
The episode (and season) ends there and
I'm still processing. I'm ecstatic that we did not lose another major character
tonight, and beyond ecstatic that almost the entire group is back
together...even if they are trapped in a train car waiting for cannibals to
roast them. On the flip side, I'm a bit disappointed because I had really
hoped Rick and Carl would find out that Judith is till alive before the end of
the season. I was also hoping that Carol and Daryl would have a happy reunion
but that will have to wait as well. Will Carol and Tyreese be the ones to save
the day? Will Beth come back as a total badass and break everyone free? Rick
did say "there's a new sheriff in town" after all. How many people do
we think the Terminus crew has eaten?

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