While we've been on the edge of our seats wondering what will happen to the prison group now that that they are separated, "Claimed" gives us some background on one of our favorite characters and introduces us to new folks as well. We don't check in with everyone this episode, but here's where we are after the hour...
Glenn and Tara

Glenn isn't interested and punches Abraham when he says Glenn will never find Maggie. A fight ensues and the noise draws a bunch of Walkers. Eugene grabs a gun that he clearly doesn't know how to handle and in the process of blowing away the Walkers, he completely disables the truck. Way to go Eugene...how's that mission going to work out for you now? Glenn wishes the trio the best of luck, then he and Tara go back on their quest to find Maggie. Rosita (who is smokin' hot by the way) joins them, and Eugene tells Abraham they should stick with Glenn and Tara as well. He assumes they will find another vehicle along the way and then they will be able to resume their trip to D.C.
Rick, Carl and Michonne
A clean home is a happy home and for just a second I forget that Michonne and the Grimes boys are in a constant fight for their lives on this show. Michonne serves Carl breakfast and they joke about soy milk. They share a brief sense of normalcy before Judith's name comes up...then Carl excuses himself from the table. Awww. I hope they find Carol and company soon. Michonne approaches Rick in the kitchen, asking if the house they are staying in will be their home or just a pit stop. For the time being, Rick thinks it would be a good idea to stay in the house, so Carl and Michonne go on a supply run.
As Michonne and Carl leave one of the nearby houses in the neighborhood, she asks Carl if he found anything good so far...candy bars? Comic books? Crazy cheese? Carl looks a little confused and then one of the best The Walking Dead laugh out loud moments happens. "Bam! Crazy cheese." Ha! Michonne whips out a brand new bottle and downs that shit like it was the best food ever created. Not gonna lie - I may have done something like that once or twice. Crazy cheese is the best. She looks ridiculous but she can't seem to get Carl to smile. He says he was laughing on the inside and Michonne tells him her 3 year old son had found her extremely funny.
Well of course Carl now has questions and Michonne starts to look overwhelmed. "What was his name? Did you have any more? Were you married?" Hell, I want to know all of these things too. She says she will answer one question at a time, one room at a time, and only after the room has been cleared. The little guy's name was Andre Anthony and he was her only child. Michonne hasn't told anyone about Andre until now and Carl says the secret is safe with him. He also suggests that maybe Judith and Andre are together somewhere.
Rick takes this opportunity to clean himself up, put on a new shirt (thank you) and also get some rest. His sleep is interrupted when loud male voices are heard downstairs. Rick hides under the bed and I'm just as panicked as he is when a pair of boots thump their way into the room with a gun dangling beside them. Dude lays down on Rick's bed and takes a nap. Another pair of boots arrives and wants to claim the bed for his own nap. The dudes fight and one kills the other.
While dude #2 is napping, dude #3 comes upstairs just as Rick makes his way into another bedroom. Dude #4 has found Michonne's freshly washed shirt downstairs and now these assholes are on a hunt. Rick hides in the bathroom only to find yet another dude on the toilet. Rick kills him, takes his gun, and escapes out of the bathroom window. He meets up with Carl and Michonne...and as they start to follow the railroad tracks they see a "sanctuary for all" sign which points them toward Terminus.
The episode ends there, so we did not catch up with Maggie and company, Carol and company, or Daryl and Beth, but I imagine we'll be seeing them in the next episode. We don't know what Eugene really knows about the apocalypse or what Abraham and smokin' hot Rosita have to do with it. We also don't know exactly what happened to Michonne's son and how much time passed before Michonne took her jawless, armless Walker boyfriend and friend and ended up finding Andrea last season. Man, that seems like so long ago. We do know, however, that several of the surviving characters are now heading toward Terminus (whatever that is) so I'm guessing at some point all of the groups will reunite at this "sanctuary." How many will survive long enough to make it there? Time will tell.
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