Coming off of our previous "The Adventures of Daryl and Beth" episode, I had assumed we would spend this hour with other characters for sure. While we are able to catch up with Maggie, Sasha and Bob as they continue their search for Glenn as well as sanctuary, we still have some Daryl/Beth action as well. Here's where we are when "Alone" ends...
The Three Amigos
We flash back to the day Bob joined the prison group. He is surviving alone (love when the episode title is thrown at us in the first 60 seconds), wandering aimlessly with a despondent look about him. He kind of reminds me of Michonne when she walked with her pet zombies. A car and motorcycle pull up and Glenn and Daryl approach him. Bob tells them he is the last man standing from his two previous groups. Daryl asks him the 3 questions, the conversation is uneventful, and Bob heads to the prison to join the eventual chaos.

The trio waits for the fog to lift and makes their way to the train tracks. They see the sign for Terminus, and though Sasha is not on board with going someplace that sounds too good to be true, she is outnumbered and they begin their journey to this unknown place. I'm kind of with Sasha on this one. Woodbury was supposed to be a sanctuary of sorts and look how well that turned out.... She points out that the group has only 6 bullets left and she makes a separate plea to Bob to just find a building to set up shop in for now. Maggie overhears the conversation.
While Sasha and Bob get some rest, Maggie peaces out...leaving a note in the dirt that says "Don't risk your lives 4 me. Good luck." Bob wants to find Maggie immediately and Sasha begrudgingly accompanies him. He tries to get to the bottom of Sasha's overall bitchiness (for me, surviving the prison raid, living in the woods, and then fighting Walkers with almost zero visibility would do it). Bob asks Sasha why she thinks Tyreese is dead....or why she's too afraid to find out if he's alive. She dodges the conversation, but her attitude regarding Glenn makes sense now. She believes he is probably dead and the effort to find him is a suicide mission. Has she also lost hope for all of the other prison folks? None of this matters to Bob. He's been alone twice during this apocalypse and he's not about to leave Maggie out there by herself.

Sasha climbs to the top floor of a warehouse and realizes she's screwed. She begins to cry and looks out the window longingly. In doing so, she sees Maggie lying among some Walkers on the ground outside the building. Well that was easy. Sasha breaks the window by accident (she's very excited that she's not screwed), but the crashing glass alerts the undead of the undead to swarm the area. Way to go Sasha. Maggie was lying with Walker bodies ON PURPOSE so she wouldn't be detected. After a couple of close calls, the girls are okay. Maggie acknowledges that she needs Sasha and Bob's help to do what she needs to do, and Sasha informs Maggie that Bob left to find her. They catch up to Bob quickly and now we are just one big happy family...though Maggie is totally the third wheel now that Bob and Sasha will probably hook up.
The Odd Couple
Daryl and Beth are sober today and he is teaching her his tracking and shooting skills. Beth is starting to feel good about her abilities, and in her new found confidence, she steps on an animal trap just as she is about to shoot a Walker. Daryl swoops in and saves the day...but now the kid has one hell of a limp. That doesn't bode well for the whole running when your life depends on it thing.

Inside the funeral home, someone has put forth some serious effort to clean up and dress some Walker bodies as if they were about to have a ceremony and burial. Was this recent? They also hit the jackpot in terms of canned goods...but the jars are completely free of dust, so clearly someone either lives in this building or only recently departed. After weighing the options, Daryl and Beth decide that coffins are actually wayyyy comfier than what they've been sleeping on, so they are going to stay at the funeral home at least for a little while. No really, Daryl jumps into a coffin to relax. He says that they could "make it work" when the people come back. Whoa. Daryl is having positive thoughts? Seems Beth is rubbing off on him and we really have to be on the brink of a romance at this point.
The sweet moment is interrupted by some commotion at the door. A dog had been out there earlier so Daryl and Beth did not seem alarmed, but this time it's a hoard of Walkers. The (maybe) lovebirds are separated, and when Daryl makes his way outside...he sees a car speeding away with Beth inside. She's been kidnapped? By who? The funeral home people? WHY?!?!

I feel like we haven't seen him in forever. The episode ends with Glenn seeing a sign for Terminus...and we assume he will head out that way. Will we have a Glenn and Maggie reunion soon? Will we have ANY kind of reunion soon? The "Maggie, Bob and Sasha lost each other but found each other 10 minutes later" gathering does not count. I need some other form of happiness...that warm, fuzzy feeling I got when Michonne found the Grimes boys and Carol found Tyreese and the kids has faded. Fingers crossed we will see some journeys intersect soon, but in the meantime, where the hell is Beth?!?!
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