Tonight we still have no word on Glenn, but we do finally catch up with Daryl, Sasha and Abraham as we continue the "meanwhile" breakaways from the season premiere's Walker diversion mission. The episode opens with Daryl on his motorcycle, Sasha and Abraham in a car right behind, and a mass of Walkers following them on the road. Seems like things are going how they should be but another car comes out of nowhere and begins firing behind Abraham and Sasha. WTF? And there are people on foot firing as well! Who are they?!? Daryl has to take a path away from Sasha and Abraham and the rest of the episode follows their respective separate journeys. Here's what went down in "Always Accountable."
Take Away My Self Destruction

As they wait for a Daryl reunion, Sasha blames Abraham for their predicament because she's still pissed he wouldn't let her go solo on this mission. He tells Sasha she had been pretty out of control recently but it's not like Abraham hasn't had his moments too. Abraham goes on a search for supplies in the building while Sasha keeps an eye out for Daryl and he finds some weapons and cigars. He also taunts a Walker and nearly gets himself killed...but he ends up walking away unscathed and I hope this is the end of Abraham's "death wish" behavior. He vows to Sasha that he's going to start changing his ways and tells her he wants to get to know her a lot more. Um, has Abraham forgotten about Smokin' Hot Rosita? Cuz I think she's clearly the better pick here.
Where I Go I Just Don't Know
Daryl ends up on his own, taking a path through the woods to get away from the guns, and he and his bike are looking rough. He can't get anyone on his walkie talkie, so he hides his bike in some bushes and proceeds on foot with his crossbow. Daryl encounters two women who surrender quickly....but then a guy comes up behind him and knocks his ass out.
Daryl wakes up to find the same guy pointing a gun at him and he is instructed to follow the two girls as dude walks behind him with the gun. I hate this guy already. They pass a lot of burned bodies and Daryl's captors explain how they've been fighting the Walkers and trying to take out as many as they could. Daryl doesn't have time for this. He tells them he can help them but dude with the gun says "You're one of them. You're hurt and you're alone and you'll say anything. We should have never trusted your people to begin with." Uh oh. Pretty sure "you're people" is not Alexandria, so where did these guys come from? The Wolves? None of them are sporting the "W."

A truck arrives with a few more guys and Daryl ducks away to listen to their conversation. The trio tells the head guy, Wade, "we earned what we took" but Wade isn't having it. He says they now also owe him the gas money it took for him to find them. "Earned what we took" sounds an awful lot like the hospital Beth was held in, but that was in Atlanta and the group is far from there at this point. Who are these people? Daryl looks around and realizes these assholes are everywhere and he helps the trio to safety. He even gives the guy his gun back which might be his worst decision ever.
I'm Gonna Give You Some Of My Good Time
Once the group is safe, Daryl chats with his former captors and they come to an understanding that Daryl is not part of the group that is after them and the three of them are not bad people. They arrive at an area the trio had previously burned down and realize they accidentally killed people they knew with that fire. The girl who needed (and received) the insulin shot gathers some flowers to lay next to their seemingly dead and crispy bodies, and then they feed on her because she's stupid. She dies, they bury her, and Daryl decides the two remaining people are worthy of returning home with him. He asks them the three questions, and they say they've killed a couple thousand Walkers but no people. "Why haven't I killed anybody? Because if I did, there'd be no going back."
Daryl brings them to the bushes where he hid his bike and says they need to find Sasha and Abraham so they could have a ride back to Alexandria. Dude pulls the gun Daryl GAVE BACK to him and they take his crossbow and motorcycle. The girl says "we're sorry," and Daryl replies "you're gonna be." They ride away with his supplies and he's alone in the woods again. However, that lucky SOB finds a working truck not too far away and he's also able to find Sasha and Abraham. As they ride to get their mission back on track, the walkie talkie is working again. A male voice says "help," but it doesn't sound like Glenn....
So, if it's not Glenn, who is on the other end of that walkie talkie asking for help? Where are we in the timeline compared to what's happening in Alexandria? And who is Wade and what's the deal with his group? I'm thinking this might just be an introduction for something happening much later in the season as the Wolves and the many Walkers outside of Alexandria still seem to be the more pressing issues. We only have one more episode until we reach the mid-season finale and I'm hoping that we get everyone back to Alexandria before the show goes on hiatus til 2016. I know...probably wishful thinking.
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