Well kids, we made it to the mid-season finale on The Walking Dead and from a suspense standpoint, it doesn't let us down. The people of Alexandria literally come face to face with the Walker world, the Carol/Morgan conflict escalates, and Jessie's kids might be the most annoying characters to hit this show in quite a while. Look at the flowers boys. Here's what happened in "Start to Finish."
Uh Oh Overflow

Maggie had just run down from her watch station on the wall because she saw the green balloons Glenn had released nearby. Now she has to scramble back to the top of the wall, losing her ladder in the process. Glenn meanwhile makes a plan to go around to the west wall to try to get into town that way. Enid is all mopey and stupid and he tells her "Our friends are in there. People who care about you. My pregnant wife." He then tells her to run away if she's scared, "but that's how you lose people."
At this point Jessie takes everyone up to the second floor of her house where Sam is freaking out. She asks him to pretend shit's not falling apart as he sees Michonne and Rick take a bloody Deanna to the next room. Easy peasy, right? Michonne tends to Deanna's bum leg and then begins to tackle the massive cut on Deanna's side from the saw. The only problem is...that cut is flanked by a Walker bite. I'd love to do an "OMG!" or "How could they?!" right now but did anybody really think that Deanna was going to survive this episode?
Offer Me Solutions, Offer Me Alternatives
Tara, Eugene and Smokin' Hot Rosita have sealed themselves off in another garage and they sit and watch the shadows of the Walkers pounding the walls outside. Smokin' Hot Rosita is discouraged and asks her friends if Alexandria is over...to which Tara replies "I think we gotta earn it. All of us. A place like this has to have a price, right? This place isn't over. We're here...so what are we gonna do, gorgeous?" And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the line of the night.
Carol and Morgan are running from the Walkers when Carol slips on some bullet shells and bumps her head. Morgan brings her into the house that also serves as the Wolf jail and he tries to tend to her wound. She's hesitant and he asks her if there's anyone she trusts. "Some more than others. But you're dead last." Ha!

Morgan walks toward the windows to see how things are progressing outside and Carol dashes down the basement stairs. She has her knife and is ready to kill the Wolf when of course Morgan jumps in front of her spewing his "all life matters" bullshit. Look, I understand where he's coming from. I do. But this guy is part of a group of people who slaughtered a community and has outright SAID he will kill everyone left in Alexandria if given the chance. Step aside Morgan. Go save the innocent lives of the poor, naive people in the community who are getting their guts eaten. Carol doesn't want to kill Morgan, but she tells him she will. "You can't. I won't let you."
Carol and Morgan fight, Morgan knocks Carol out, and I'm pissssed. You know what happens next? The effing Wolf knocks Morgan out and holds Denise at knife point. Tara, Eugene and Smokin' Hot Rosita arrive just then, but the Wolf uses Denise as a human shield and disappears.
Save Yourself, Serve Yourself
Ron heads out to the garage and Carl follows him. Ron seriously sucks. Seriously. He's taking a page from Enid's playbook and whining about how they're all going to die and there's nothing they can do. Ron pulls out the gun he isn't supposed to have and Carl fights with him. Ron breaks the garage windows in the process, allowing the Walkers a clear path in. You. IDIOT. The boys make it back into the house and Jessie and Rick are able to make a temporary barricade against the interior door to the garage. Carl doesn't tattle on Ron but he does pull Ron into another room and aims his gun at him. Carl asks for Ron's gun and says "I get it. My dad killed your dad. But you need to know something - your dad was an asshole." True story.

There's no more time for heart to hearts. The Walkers have broken in on the first floor of the house. Everyone heads back upstairs and Rick decides that they need to all wear Walker innards and try to leave the house unnoticed. It's worked before. I'm not sure why they don't do this more often. Rick explains the plan and but then lowers his eyes when Gabriel asks "What about Deanna?" Michonne checks in on Deanna one last time and lets her know the group is leaving. She offers to end Deanna's situation, but Deanna isn't quite ready. She has her gun and says she will do it herself when it's time. "Someday this pain will be useful to you," she says. Michonne cries and thanks Deanna for believing. Deanna tells her to "give em hell," and Michonne rejoins the group. Deanna meets her demise guns blazing as the Walkers approach her room.
As the group prepare to leave, Sam is back to flipping out. Jessie tells him they need to look like the monsters and asks him to pretend none of this is real and that he's someone who is brave. This is quite a stretch, mom. The episode ends with Rick, Carl (toting Judith), Jessie, Sam, Ron, Gabriel and Michonne slowly walking out the front door and down the steps in a single line, hand in hand. All seems to be going well...and then just before the credits roll, Sam can be seen squeezing Jessie's hand and saying "Mom? Mom?"
Are you kidding me?!?! Now is not the time for questions Sam! I swear, between him, Ron, and Morgan this episode, my nerves are shot. Rick and Carl have spent a considerable amount of time saving Ron's ass and Ron continues to be a liability. Sam absolutely sucks at pretending. And Morgan? Yeah, way to go buddy. You got Denise kidnapped by someone who either "frees" people or "uses what's left of them." Ugh. We obviously still have some cliffhangers to drive us crazy mull over until February, because as it stands now we have no Glenn and Maggie reunion, no indication to the group that Abraham, Sasha and Daryl are alive, no resolution to the Carol and Morgan conflict, and a high probability that some of our heroes will become a late lunch for the Walkers they are trying to fool. The show runners owe us a lot of answers when the show returns in 2016!
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