After last week's season shift from documentary to reality TV, I went into tonight's episode wondering how exactly the blood moon would take it's toll on the folks participating in Sydney's Season 2 of "My Roanoke Nightmare." Chapter 6 had ended with Rory (who had played Edward Mott in the show within the show) dying at the hands of the crazy nurses and Matt realizing the final "R" had been applied to the murder message in the dining room. Who will be the next casualty? Get ready for a blood bath. Here's what went down in Chapter 7.
Call My Name And Save Me From The Dark
The episode opens with Sydney and a cameraman watching the footage live from the producers trailer on the outskirts of the farm land. Sydney sees Dominic arrive and Matt attack him and celebrates. One of the production assistants arrives with dinner and asks about Diana. Sydney tells the young girl he doesn't care about Diana, which is just as well considering she was most likely mangled by one of The Butcher's followers in Chapter 6. The assistant leaves and the cameraman sees a glimpse of Rory's demise before the picture on the screen flickers. We hear the assistant scream outside. Is The Butcher out there? Nope. But crazy ass Agnes is out there dressed as her Butcher character and she takes a meat cleaver to all three of these fools. So much for Season 2.

The rest of the group survives the night and when morning comes, Dominic tries to rekindle his fling with Shelby in the kitchen. She insists she loves Matt and the only reason she is in the house at all is to win him back. Matt witnesses this exchange and marches in the room. "If you want her, you can have her. Just stay out of my way." Shelby tearfully runs to her room but she is not alone. Crazy ass Agnes is there (still speaking like The Butcher) and she hacks Shelby in the shoulder. Damn, she's making quick work of these guys. Shelby begs Agnes for her life just as Dominic barrels in and knocks Agnes' crazy ass out....or not. By the time Dominic grabs a towel to try to stop the blood gushing from Shelby's arm, Agnes is gone.
Bid My Blood To Run
Shelby is in rough shape and the group is screaming into the cameras for Sydney to call an ambulance. They don't understand why he hasn't intervened yet. Lee mentions the escape tunnel under the house and says she will go get help. Monet and Audrey offer to go as well but they are leery of venturing outside knowing Agnes is still roaming around with a cleaver. Lee pulls out her gun and says they will be fine. Of course she has her gun. Why would anyone search her for weapons before she entered the house? I's not like the actors and "Nightmare" viewing audience believe she's a killer or anything. Facepalm.

Audrey is on the ground sobbing at this point but things aren't going to get any better. The "real" hillbillies show up and Mama Polk is just as twisted as the documentary version portrayed her to be. The Polks kidnap all three women and take them to their, uh, humble abode. Lee is turned into jerky pretty quickly and Mama Polk feeds her to Audrey and Monet who are tied up and helpless in another room. This is the last we see of them this episode.
Save Me From The Nothing I've Become
Matt tends to Shelby and assures her that at one time he really did love her. He says she did not ruin their marriage by sleeping with Dominic. "Our marriage was over the day we moved into this house. This place took something from me. I haven't felt human for two years." I appreciate his honesty but maybe save the "this is over" discussion for when Shelby is not lying in a bed with an open gash in her shoulder.
When Shelby is asleep Matt travels back down to the basement, not aware that Dominic is following him. Matt stands near some shelves and then he looks at someone we can't really see and says "I've been waiting for you." Dominic wakes Shelby right away and brings her downstairs. The "real" version of Gaga has mounted Matt for old times sake. Shelby grabs a crowbar, bashes the witch and screams for the witch to leave Matt alone. Matt quickly tells his wife, "I came back for her. I am in love with her, Shelby. She is the reason I came back." Like any woman scorned, Shelby then beats Matt to death with the crowbar, Negan style.
Dominic drags Shelby away from the bloody scene and explains that she will need to turn herself in. She is emotional, now fully realizing what she has done, and asks Dominic for help. He points out the obvious: "There are hidden cameras all over this house." Duh Shelby. Their conversation is interrupted by a commotion outside - Agnes is in front of the house holding a torch. Yup, Agnes is still alive and kickin. She had taken a pair of pliers, warmed them in the flames of a torch ("the fire will purify my body"), and then dug the bullet in her shoulder out herself. This bitch sure is resourceful. A group of people approaches behind her, also with torches. Could it be? Yes, The Butcher herself and her Roanoke followers have arrived. Agnes isn't sure if she should be elated or terrified. She tries to speak with The Butcher...but The Butcher answers her by splitting her head in half with her cleaver.

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