American Horror Story’s “Dark Cousin” episode opens with two
incredibly pleasant Briarcliff nuns discussing Lilies of the Field. One is reading the book; the other just saw
the movie. Written by William Edmund Barrett, Lilies of the Field follows Homer Smith, an African-American
handyman who encounters a farm with nuns on his travels doing odd jobs across
the country. After doing some repairs for the nuns, they begin to believe that
Homer has been sent to them by God to build a chapel for the poverty-stricken
town. Knowing he will probably never see payment for his work, Homer agrees to
start construction anyway, as his life-long dream had been to become an
architect. He refuses all help from the townspeople for quite some time before realizing
the task is too arduous, finally letting the chapel become a community effort.
When the chapel is finished, the great debate among the readers and moviegoers
is – was Homer actually some sort of saint chosen to help the town, or was he just
a handyman who wanted all of the glory from this community achievement? How
many “saints” are at Briarcliff now? Will someone be able to save the souls of
this asylum? Will the whole place fall apart because the burden is far too much
for one person to bear?
The Happy Sisters cut their
conversation short to check on Grace, who they discover is hemorrhaging badly. I
guess the blood she was gushing at the end of the previous episode wasn’t an
indication that something may be wrong with her? She reaches out toward an
angel of death – an angel played by last season’s Old Moira, Frances Conroy. I
am so happy to have her back. If we could somehow just get Young Moira
involved, this season would be complete for me. But I digress… before the angel
can kiss Grace, the nuns have her on the mend. More on this mysterious angel in
a bit.

Arden uses his medical skills to
save Grace, but not because he cares if she lives or dies…he just didn’t
appreciate being accused of giving her a failed hysterectomy. If he’s going to
take the fall for something, he’d prefer it be for something he actually did.
Happy Nun #1 sings in the bakery
while new patient (new to us anyway) Miles makes sandwiches nearby. He is a young African American man who
informs us the voices in his head get too loud sometimes. Indeed - they keep
telling him over and over again that he knows what he needs to do. He tells
Happy Nun #1 that there’s something wrong with the meat slicer, assuring her he
can repair it. Does the asylum have its own Homer? Is Miles a handy man who can
fix Briarcliff as well? Nope. What Miles does instead is shove his arm/wrist
into the meat slicer in an attempt to take his own life.
Sister Mary Satan arrives just in
time to see that Miles had started to write something on the wall in his own
blood: it translated to “Shachath,” our looming angel of death. The devil nun
looks terrified for the first time this season and demands to know if Miles
summoned her. The poor guy is getting
stitched up and has no idea why he wrote those letters.

When we last left Stupid Lana,
she was in her own personal hell with Bloody Face Thredson sucking on her
breast. Unfortunately for her, he didn’t stop there. We find her again now
being raped by her captor in another very cringe-worthy scene between the two
characters. Her face is vacant, almost as if she is having an out of body
experience. She looks over at Shachath whom she has summoned. Thredson leaves
the room, and Stupid Lana tells Shachath she used to be scared of death but is
no longer afraid. Before the angel can bestow a kiss, Dr. Bloody Face returns
to explain to Lana that they have reached an impasse (you think?). He gives her
the choice of being strangled or having her throat slit – he doesn’t believe in
guns. What a standup guy… Thredson grabs a needle and tells her he will knock
her out so she won’t feel a thing. Stupid Lana does not seem comforted by this and fights
him, eventually smashing the picture of Wendy over his head. She chokes him
with her chains, breaks free from them then makes a run for it. Does she go
back to make sure he is dead? Nope, but she does escape. Woohoo!

Stupid Lana wakes up…. AT
BRIARCLIFF! Sister Mary Satan tells her she is safe where she belongs. It
really just sucks to be Lana.
Elsewhere, Kit meets with his
lawyer and tries to explain that he was tricked into confessing. He asks the
attorney if he was able to talk with Grace, cuz you know, Grace saw Alma when
she was abducted by aliens. The lawyer says what we’re all thinking; “She is a
patient in a mental institution. What she saw is not likely to convince a lot
of people.” He then tells Kit that Grace is sick and might not make it to the
hearing anyway. Kit attacks the lawyer and escapes from the building. Why wouldn’t
he? I mean, he’s just an accused serial killer who was left alone in a lawyer’s
office with no handcuffs. I’m sure that one guard outside the door is wayyyy
more security than necessary. Hell, I think Frank would have even done a better
job here.
At the half way mark, we haven’t
seen Sister Jude at all. We finally catch up to her as she tries unsuccessfully
to help the slain Nazi hunter in his hotel room. Mr. Goodman had told her a nun
stabbed him, and when Jude runs to the telephone to call for help, she sees Shachath
kissing him. She looks around the room and sees a newspaper article about the
girl she had run over as Slut Judy, with the word “murderer” written

Side note: the scenes Frances
Conroy and Jessica Lange shared in the Season 1 of AHS were brilliant. These few minutes of shared screen time now are
my favorite moments of Season 2 to date.

Back at Briarcliff, Stupid Lana
demands to speak with Sister Jude. The devil nun notifies her that she herself is
in charge now. Lana explains that Thredson is Bloody Face and begs Sister Mary
Eunice to call the police. Obviously Sister Mary Satan already knows this, but
she calms Stupid Lana, gives her some happy pills, then joins Frank in the
hallway. Frank informs her that Kit Walker escaped police custody and orders
from state police are to shoot on site. He wouldn’t come back to Briarcliff,
would he?
Sure he would. Kit enters the
asylum through the death chute but accidentally allows one of Dr. Creepy’s
creatures to follow him. He finds Grace in the bakery and vows to get her out
of Briarcliff. Unfortunately for them, Happy Nun #1 finds them and calls out
for help. Unfortunately for Happy Nun #1 , the creature devours her and she is
no longer happy. Kit kills the creature, but right at that moment, Frank enters
and sees the dead nun and Kit holding a weapon. Following through with the
orders to shoot on site, he fires….but Grace throws herself in front of the
bullet. As Shachath kisses Grace, we can
hear Frank yelling at Kit to stay back, or he’ll shoot. Really? I take back the
comment I made earlier about Frank being more competent than the police who
were guarding Kit. This is beyond frustrating.
![]() |
RIP Grace |
We are fast approaching the
Christmas episodes of AHS, if we can
even call them that, and I did read an interview with Ryan Murphy recently
saying we will find out more about the modern day Bloody Face soon. In terms of
timing, it can’t be Thredson because he would be too old. Is it possible that
Stupid Lana was impregnated during the rape? That couldn’t have been Thredson’s
intention given that he wanted to kill her immediately after….but are we
potentially looking at a “Son of Bloody Face” scenario?
Also, Sister Mary Satan keeps
telling us she knows everything. If that’s true, then why did she seem
genuinely surprised when Arden told her he did not perform any sterilization
procedure on Grace? Why is she afraid of Shachath? As much as I hope we see
more of the angel of death, I’m not sure how many more characters I want to see
sacrificed in order to keep her around. If we’re going to have that much
kissing, then please bring back Young Moira.
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