In a culture where shows like Jersey Shore, Keeping Up With The Kardashians, and Here Comes Honey Boo Boo engross TV viewers everywhere, it's important to acknowledge programming that engages audiences with clever writing and stimulating material. Every so often the networks get it right and support a series that is a breath of fresh air with clearly developed characters, perfectly cast actors, and a luring and often intricate plot. In appreciation of such shows, I have started this commentary.

Monday, November 11, 2013

AHS Coven: Pretty Little Liars

Halloween is approaching the ladies of Coven and the buildup is beyond intense. Each week this season gets better and better and tonight is no exception. Here’s where we are…
The Trouble with Kyle
In the aftermath of Kyle’s gruesome disposal of his mother, Zoe isn’t quite sure how to pick up the pieces. She goes with making him some tuna fish…assuming he must be starving. Well, yes, I suppose one works up an appetite bludgeoning one’s mother to death. Zoe looks through the kitchen cabinets and her eyes linger on a box of rat poison. Does she mix it in his lunch? Would it even matter since he’s a Picasso combo of dead boy parts? Does he even eat? We don’t find out – by the time Zoe returns to Kyle to feed him, he’s gone and we don’t hear anything else about him in this hour.   
The Ministry of Magic?
The Council arrives at the academy and we finally learn who Frances Conroy’s character is this season. We had caught a glimpse of her in the first episode when Zoe was being escorted from her home, but now we realize that she is Myrtle Snow - part of the governing body of the coven itself. She leads Quentin and Pimbrooke, the other two Council members, and they have arrived to look into the disappearance of Madison Montgomery…which no one has even bothered to mention til now. Stupid Cordelia really must be the worst academy head ever.
As the inhabitants of the academy are questioned, Myrtle proclaims that the penalty of inflicting harm against descendants from the Salem witches is death by fire. Cordelia continues her campaign of being the most useless character this season by stating that “Madison is a spirited girl. The fact that she stayed out all night is hardly a shock.”  When asked if Cordelia loses track of her resident witches often, she replies that Madison has had more success at the academy than any other rehab facility she’s been sentenced to. So wait – does she mean other witchy places or actual rehab facilities? I wish this woman would give me some sort of useful information at some point this season.
When the questioning is nearly completed, Myrtle accuses Fiona of having a hand in the disappearance of both Anna-Lee and Madison, calling out her failures as a Supreme as well. Clearly these two have quite a rivalry…
….Flashing back again to Miss Robichaux’s Academy in 1971 we see the aftermath of Anna-Lee’s murder. The Council at that time totally buys into Fiona’s story that the former Supreme just disappeared…as well as the notion that Anna-Lee had chosen her to be the next Supreme. A young Myrtle looks on, livid, and she swears that the truth will come out. She even goes so far as to curse creepy Spalding’s tongue so he cannot tell a lie when The Council calls him in for questioning. Later on that night, Spalding professes his love for Fiona then cuts out his tongue, spoiling Myrtle’s plans…
Back in the present, Myrtle is hell bent on bringing Fiona to justice. She screams at a very cool, calm and collected Fiona “You killed Anna-Lee because she was the last Supreme! And you killed an innocent girl because she was the next Supreme!”  The woman is spiraling out of control when Stupid Cordelia pipes up, telling Myrtle she has it all wrong. She explains that Madison couldn’t have been the next Supreme – Madison had a heart condition that was kept a secret from just about everyone, and the hallmark of a rising Supreme is glowing, radiant health. FINALLY! Stupid Cordelia serves a purpose! On the flip side though, Fiona killed Madison for no reason and the new Supreme has yet to be discovered. D’oh!
Fiona recognizes that Stupid Cordelia saved her ass and takes her out for a drink. Time for some mother/daughter bonding? Maybe let bygones be bygones? Not exactly. The tone between the two is not 100% friendly, nor are they 100% with each other in their conversation, but hey - they do know how to toss back some alcohol. Cordelia even pukes in the bathroom (too much to drink, or is she pregnant after all?) just before a cloaked figure throws acid in her face. She’s screwed for a number of reasons, which brings us to…
Dirty Little Secret
Stupid Cordelia is also missing her husband this week as Hank has taken an odd job in Baton Rouge. Seems he is not a very consistent bread winner for the family. His client arrives at the door and I am overjoyed to see Kaylee, played by Alexandra Breckenridge (Young Moira from Season 1).  Oh how I’ve missed her. Apparently so has Hank. He gives her one hell of a welcome in the bedroom…one that would even make Young Moira blush. Sooo he’s a liar and a cheater? Neat.
The two spend their post banging time dining on what appears to be burritos and soup and sharing small talk about the places they’ve been. They apparently met online with Hank telling his mistress that he’s a USDA Inspector who is traveling for work. The conversation is pleasant, but Kaylee is starting develop feelings for Hank and she expresses concern that he’s going to break her heart.  Nope. But he is going to put a bullet in her head.
Hank is a killer? Is that his job or his hobby?!? Can we sick Nan on this guy to read his thoughts asap?
Disgusting Little Secret
Denis O’Hare has his work cut out for him with his creepy character, Spalding. The butler/house man/groundskeeper…whatever he is…just went from creepy to revolting. Remember when Fiona slit Madison’s throat and told Spaulding to get rid of the mess? I guess he could have easily buried her or burned her; but what fun is that when you can keep her in your room as a new doll for your tea parties? Just put a scarf around that nasty neck wound and you’re all set, buddy.
My Precioussss
Fiona finds Precious Queenie injured and crying on the floor of the greenhouse. Seems her efforts to, um, make the Minotaur happy were unsuccessful…or he just had an odd way of thanking her. Either way. Fiona has to wake Stupid Cordelia quickly to work her medicinal magic on the young voodoo witch with her various herbs and potions. When Precious Queenie stops breathing I almost expect Misty Day to save the day, rolling up with a boom box blasting “Hold Me,” but instead…Fiona literally breathes life back into the girl. She has that capability? I guess she’s able to give life the same way she sucked it out of that doctor in episode 1?  She’s far more powerful than I had anticipated though. Marie better watch her back.
Madame LaLaurie appears in the shadows to ask about Precious  Queenie. She’s humble, telling Fiona that Precious Queenie saved her, and she seems genuine in her hopes that the young witch will be okay. Are we seeing this character transform already? I was hoping Kathy Bates would portray a villain we could root for this season, but the sudden switch from slave torturer to a tearful “she saved me” maid has been a bit too abrupt for me. I realize she’s had almost two centuries to reflect on her mistakes and their consequences, but during that time period she was also buried alive and unaware of the cultural changes around her. A voodoo witch murdered Madame LaLaurie’s family and then put her in the ground to live forever with that guilt. One would think it would take a villain more time to warm up to a young voodoo witch like Precious Queenie.
Oh, were you wondering what happened to the Minotaur? Fiona decapitated it and sent the head to Marie. The scene would have been exponentially better if Brad Pitt had run up to the door yelling “what’s in the boooooooooooooooooox!?!?!”
Bringing Out the Dead
We flash back to New Orleans in 1961 where Henry, an African-American boy attending his first day at an integrated high school, is murdered by a group of white males.  Henry’s mom worked for Marie at the hair salon, and Marie’s method of vengeance is unexpected. Using some sort of voodoo spell with too many snakes on screen to mention, Marie raises bodies from the ground at the local cemetery…channels them…then uses them to slaughter the racist thugs who killed the boy.
In present day, we can only imagine how pissed Marie is about her beloved Minotaur. She is ready to break the truce between the two covens now and tells her followers they best stay out of her way. Her arms go crazy, her eyes bulge, the chalk is flying, and Halloween in New Orleans just got very exciting. Are those trick-or-treaters at the door, Madame LaLaurie? Nope – those are effing ZOMBIES! 
Halloween continues in the next episode as the living dead launch an attack on Miss Robichaux’s Academy. As we prepare for Part 2 of this haunted pandemonium, some questions linger from the episode: Who is The Council exactly? How are they chosen?  Also, wtf is going on with Spalding? Is Madison the only body in his attic? Will we see a very decaying Anna-Lee there at some point as well? Can we additionally somehow summon Misty Day to Baton Rouge to resurrect Kaylee? It was such a tease to have her arrive and then die all within 30 minutes. And finally, not that I’m certain I care, who attacked Cordelia?
The Halloween episodes never disappoint on AHS. The previews for next episode show a face-off between Fiona and Myrtle as well as someone being burned at the stake. Here’s hoping it’s not Round 2 of Misty Day vs. the mob…but I can’t wait to find out!

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