In a culture where shows like Jersey Shore, Keeping Up With The Kardashians, and Here Comes Honey Boo Boo engross TV viewers everywhere, it's important to acknowledge programming that engages audiences with clever writing and stimulating material. Every so often the networks get it right and support a series that is a breath of fresh air with clearly developed characters, perfectly cast actors, and a luring and often intricate plot. In appreciation of such shows, I have started this commentary.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

The Walking Dead: After

When we last left our beloved characters on The Walking Dead, the prison days had come to an end. The Governor had staged a mostly pointless takeover that left him and the majority of his "family" dead, as well as poor Hershel...and possibly baby Judith. In the chaos, the prison group split up during the escape and we were left to wonder how long it will take them to find each other. "After" does not answer a ton of questions, but it's a pretty good start to the post-prison journey.
The Lay of The Land
The episode opens with a shot of the dead Governor (it's like they did that just for me!) and the Walkers moving into their new prison home. Michonne surveys the land, decapitating Walkers left and right with little to no concentration...just the normal way to get from point A to point B. She cuts off the arms and jaws of two Walkers, puts them on leashes and makes her way out of the prison yard, but not before putting her sword through zombie Hershel's head. Bummer.  Michonne makes her way through the woods with her new, um, friends.
The next time we see her, she's asleep in a car, dreaming of her life before the apocalypse took everything from her. She's hanging out with one of her friends, her "lover" Mike...and her baby boy. Yup, this is Michonne as a mommy and everyone is having a great time. As her dream goes on though, her happy life turns into the "what are we going to do now?" portion of the apocalypse. Mike and her friend are beginning to panic. Just before Michonne wakes up, the two guys are armless...and the baby is gone.
Michonne resumes her walk with the Walkers through the woods, heading...nowhere? She sees one that looks just like her and chops her head off, alerting the other Walkers that she does not belong in their group. That's key here - she had been walking around in such a lifeless state, she might as well have been one of them. After taking out the entire heard, Michonne sheds some tears and reminds herself that she is indeed alive. She finds a road that also includes some Rick-like footprints and refocuses her plan.
Boys Will Be Boys
Carl walks ahead of a crippled Rick who is still nursing his wounds from the prison battle. He looks like hell. They come upon a diner where Carl essentially tells his dad to cut the bullshit and let him help. He says Rick can barely walk and it's stupid to leave Carl outside while he hobbles around the diner trying to clear it. On this occasion, I'm inclined to agree with Carl. Just this occasion. They find some snacks and canned goods and hurry (sort of) on their way.
Next stop is a house where they go through the same exercise. Rick yells at Carl because Carl is doing his own thing, Carl rebels and starts cursing, Rick tells him to watch his mouth...and again, I'm with Carl on this one. I know he's a kid, Rick, but he's a good shot and twice as mobile as you are at the moment. Carl makes his way to what was probably a teenage boys bedroom. He looks around at the boy's belongings with a sense of wonder for just a second. As Carl reaches the big TV with video games and DVDs, he remembers why he's there and begrudgingly tears the wires from the TV in order to secure the doors in the house. Rick tries to reinforce the door barricade after Carl ties them shut. Carl retaliates. "It's a strong knot. Shane taught me. Remember him?" Ouch. Rick handles it well...then finishes barricading the door.
The next morning Carl makes himself some breakfast, does some light reading, and waits for Rick to wake up. He's out stone cold though and there are Walkers at the door. Carl goes outside to lure them away, but he gets a little cocky and almost becomes Walker food. He then vomits near the Walker carcasses. Hell, I would have peed my pants, vomited and snot cried in no particular order...or maybe all at the same time. Carl returns to the house and tells his unconscious father what he just accomplished. "I don't need you anymore. I don't need you to protect me anymore. You probably can't protect me anyway - you couldn't even protect Judith!" Carl then pretty much blames Rick (still unconscious) for everyone that died in the prison or is at least MIA. "You were their leader....but now you're nothing. I'd be fine if you died." Wow. Bet it felt good to get that off of his chest.
Keeping with the "I can do it myself" theme, Carl decides to search nearby houses for food and supplies. He has another really close call and I can't believe he made it home without being bitten. He lost a shoe...but damn that was lucky. Carl rewards himself by sitting on the roof and eating what looks like chocolate pudding. He then returns to the house to wait for his father to wake up.
Carl wakes in the middle of the night to the sound of  Rick groaning and reaching for him. Carl thinks Rick is dead and looking to eat him. He raises his gun...but starts to cry. He just can't kill the Walker version of both parents. Carl lowers his gun and says he was wrong. He doesn't want to be without Rick, so he sits there waiting to be eaten. Rick isn't dead though. He's just very weak (and still looks like hell). He tells Carl to go outside and stay safe, but Carl just cradles Rick and tells him he's scared....
....Michonne finds the diner Carl and Rick had stopped at. She pauses for a second and talks to Mike. "I miss you. I missed you even when I was with you. You were wrong. I'm still here, and you could be too, and he could be..." Her words are cut off by tears and my heart breaks for her....
...Rick and Carl make it through the night and Rick is actually on the mend. He and Carl share a moment remembering Judith and then Rick apologizes to Carl, but really, Carl has already let go of his anger. Who should appear at the window at that moment? Michonne! She may not have reunited with Mike and her son, but at least she found Rick and Carl. She knocks on the door and Rick sees her. He turns to Carl, smiles and says "It's for you." Fantastic.
The episode ends there and I'm glad these three found each other. Normally I would not be a huge fan of a Carl heavy episode, but this was really a good one. I also loved the brief glimpse we got into Michonne's former life. Each time I think I couldn't possibly love her any more than I already do, she does something to surprise me. It would be awesome if some of the other characters had those types of flashbacks too. Perhaps as we check in with the remaining survivors in the coming weeks, we will also find out some more of their back stories. Fingers crossed.

Friday, March 28, 2014

The Walking Dead: Too Far Gone

We've reached the mid season finale on The Walking Dead as well as the showdown between the prison group and The Governor's new "family." After two weeks of agony watching The Governor remain a number 1 douchebag, I'm ready for this. The episode is a heartbreaker, but here's where we are when "Too Far Gone" ends...
Thank You Jesus
Finally we return to the prison where Rick has told Daryl about Carol's exile. Daryl is pissssed and I feel bad for him. We all know that he cares for Carol but his face really says it all in this scene. Rick also tells Daryl that he has not yet revealed to Tyreese that Carol killed Karen and David, so he and Daryl take off to have a chat with him. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) there are bigger issues to worry about. Tyreese seems to have found a dissected rabbit opened up and pinned to a wall. Tyreese swears that the person feeding the Walkers is the same person who mangled the rabbit AND killed Karen and David. Rick is just about to tell him he's wrong when a massive blast rocks the prison.
What...A Crock
The Governor stands smugly telling his followers that they have to take over the prison. He says the terrible people who ruined Woodbury have everything Camp "Brian" needs. And of course - he has a plan that involves no one getting hurt (riiiight) and he's already gotten the ball rolling. The Governor kidnapped Michonne and Hershel, saying they are the key to getting the prison without firing a single shot. Really? How so, asshole? When the group seems uneasy about all of this, The Governor reminds them that the prison inhabitants "mutilated me and killed my daughter." Suddenly everyone is in and my blood is boiling.
The Governor has Hershel and Michonne tied up in one of the trailers. He tells the captives that no one will hurt them but they know better. "I'm gonna kill you," Michonne says. Oh pleeeeease let that be true. Hershel suggests they all live together in the prison. He notes a change in The Governor and tries to play into it. No dice though. The Governor is still a dick.
Annnd They're Off!
Camp "Brian" relocates the trailers to the water. He assures everyone who is staying behind that they will all be safe there. Lilly is really uneasy about all of this. She's starting to have doubts about "Brian" and I do give her a little credit. It took Andrea way too long to stop being stupid about The Governor last season. He tells Lilly that he loves her and vows to keep her and Meghan safe. He then asks Meghan for a hug before he goes on his mission and the two share a sweet moment.
The blast heard inside the prison walls is The Governor and his tank. He stands arrogantly, surrounded by his naïve followers as he calls Rick out for a meeting. Rick explains that The Council runs things The Governor plays the "I have Hershel and Michonne" card. We see the "oh shit" look spread across the faces of the prison group, and I'm ready to throw things. The Governor tells Rick once again to come to the fence to have a talk and Rick really has no choice now but to comply.
Daryl, Sasha and Tyreese spread the word that if things go bad, everyone is getting the hell of there and hopping on the bus. Apparently they've had an escape plan ready, but this is probably the biggest group the Grimes gang has ever had to evacuate (assuming all of the Woodbury people weren't killed by the flu). The kids are preparing as well. Some of them start to make their way to the bus while others, like Lizzie and Mika, are arming themselves. Carol taught them well?
While they coordinate...Rick approaches The Governor and asks for him to release the hostages. The one-eyed bastard tells Rick that the prison group has until sundown to clear out or they will take the prison. Rick tries to reason with him - says there are sick people, sick children inside who won't survive if they leave. Some of the people of Camp "Brian" are starting to look like they regret this plan.
Worst. Mother. Ever.
So, during the last episode Meghan was nearly killed by a Walker while Lilly was talking to "Brian" about their future together. Now, for whatever reason, Lilly sits on top of a trailer while Meghan makes mud pies rather far away. Totally makes sense when the majority of the people who could protect you are somewhere else. Lilly sees a Walker trying to make his way across the water as Meghan asks for help know...from way the hell over there where she's playing. Lilly is slow as hell getting up because she's still looking at the Walker who is carried away in the water, so she completely misses the fact that Meghan has dug up a Walker herself. She finally arrives at the way the hell over there place, but not before Meghan is bitten. Way to go, Lilly.
Make Your Move
The Governor is now really ramping up his douchiness as he threatens to kill everyone in the prison group, noting his manpower as well as his weaponry. He puts the choice on Rick and shoots a few Walkers coming by...thereby drawing more Walkers. Rick makes one last plea, offering to welcome Camp "Brian" into the prison but living in completely different areas. The Governor says his family wouldn't sleep well that way. Hershel jumps in and tries to help the conversation, but The Governor will not negotiate. Rick says "We're not leaving." He tells The Governor that if they all start shooting and fighting the Walkers will come and take down the fences, and then no one will be able to live in the prison. "We can all live in the prison or none of us can."
The Governor jumps down from the tank, grabs Michonne's katana blade and holds it to Hershel's neck.  Rick starts to appeal to the Camp "Brian" group by asking them if this is what they really want. Tara and her girlfriend are wavering and The Governor knows it's now or never. Rick finishes a pretty amazing speech about things changing and the group becoming one and putting everything behind them and so on. The Governor says "liar" and proceeds to chop off Hershel's head. Son of a bitch. The gunfire starts and all hell breaks loose. The Governor looks up from Hershel's decapitated body to see Lilly carrying Meghan. She's dead as well. He shoots Meghan in the head with zero emotion and proceeds with the takeover.
Everything is Chaos
Michonne rolls out of the way and is able to free herself. Rick gets shot. The Governor gets shot. Tara drops her gun and realizes she sucks. Maggie sends Glenn and a bunch of Woodbury people off  on the bus but then continues to fight along side Bob and Sasha. Daryl kills Mitch then leaves with Beth. Tyreese has a really close call but is saved by a gun toting Lizzie...who puts a bullet in Alisha's brain. That's fine. I kind of hate Tara anyway so the death of her girlfriend works for me.  
Rick tackles The Governor and they begin one hell of a fist fight. The Governor has the upper hand (literally) for a while before the katana blade plunges through his chest. Yay! Michonne is my hero! She leaves The Governor to bleed out and I just want to kiss her. When he opens his eye one last time, Lilly fires a gun at his head. Fantastic.  
Rick stumbles his way into the prison yard to find Carl, who is safe but looking for baby Judith. They come upon an empty carrier...that has blood in it. Really!?!? Rick and Carl break my heart for a second before escaping on their own. Rick tells Carl not to look back as the prison is taken over by Walkers.  
Sooo...The Governor is dead. I can't possibly express how happy that makes me. I think we all knew that his death would come at the expense of a death of a beloved character, but I never imagined Hershel would meet his end the way he did. Hershel's death was brutal and it's a shame that everyone, including his daughters, had to witness it. And what about Judith? Do we think someone snatched her up at the last minute? Someone on the bus that we didn't see? One of the kids? Did Carol swoop in and save the day? Oh how I would love that. I'm also really hoping the escape plan included a meeting spot. It's going to drive me crazy to see all of them split up, but I'm eager to see how they all do on their separate journeys.

Monday, March 24, 2014

The Walking Dead: Dead Weight

Remember the folks at the prison? The ones we have so many burning questions about? Well, put those thoughts on hold once again as we continue on The Governor's journey. This episode picks up with The Governor, Lilly, Tara and Meghan bumping into Martinez during their escape from a hoard of Walkers, and the nonsense just continues after that. Here's where we are after the "Dead Weight" hour:
Martinez has his own group of followers these days. He and the Governor exchange very few words before Lilly asks "Are you okay, Brian?" Martinez goes with it. He tells The Governor that he and his new family can join the Martinez camp but there are two rules. 1) Martinez is in charge and 2) No dead weight.  My how the tables have turned. Martinez reveals later on that he wouldn't have allowed The Governor to come back with him at all if he hadn't been traveling with the two women and child. Oh, and Shumpert's dead....not that anyone cares about that.   
The Governor takes the opportunity to stick with Martinez. Once his group settles in we see him hanging clothes on a line and playing chess with Meghan. "You can't think forever. Sooner or later you gotta make a move" he tells her. Meghan has daddy issues though. She tells The Governor that her dad was always mean to her. She wonders if she's "bad." Considering her dad went to the store one day and never came back, I'm pretty sure that's not Meghan's fault. Maybe he's just a jerk. Or maybe Tara's confident uselessness drove him away. Regardless, Meghan wants assurance that "Brian" and her family are going to be okay. She also wants "Brian" to tell her that all of them are "good," as in good people. He can't quite come up with a response...and when the camera pans out we see that the clothes line is strung between a camper (ala Season 1) and a tank. So really, Camp Martinez represents both sides of The Governor. On the one hand, he's a villain who will take out anything in his way. On the other, he's trying to be a family man and live more simplistically.
The Governor goes on a run with Martinez, Mitch and Pete. As they walk through the woods (there is a lot of walking through the woods in this episode), they come across a headless guy tied to a tree. He has a sign with the word "liar" attached to him. Heh. The Governor looks like he's sweating a little. As the men move on, the encounter another headless man tied to a recliner. He has a "rapist" sign on his chest. Oh wow. I immediately think of Maggie. Sure, she wasn't raped in that scene, but The Governor should really be feeling uneasy right now. The final man they come across has a head and a self inflicted gun shot would to go with it. His sign says "murderer" and he's holding on to a family picture. That pretty much sums up the one-eyed bastard, doesn't it?
The awkward foursome scavenge what they can find in the murderer's house, where they also find the Walker version of the murderer's wife and daughter as well as the heads of the rapist and liar. We also learn that Mitch is a total pussy and maybe shouldn't go on runs anymore. At any rate, the guys find beer and have a bro night, talking about what each of them did before the zombie apocalypse. Mitch was an ice cream truck driver (explains a lot) before becoming a tank operator in the army....because, you know, one leads to the other. Pete was also in the army. He asks The Governor what he did when everything went bad, The Governor replies "I survived."
Back at camp, Martinez's other companion Alisha is on the mend with a nasty cut on her hand. Lilly dresses her wounds while Alisha and Tara get their flirt on. When the guys return they all share a  happy family meal together where we learn that Martinez had been a priest. WHAT?  I wouldn't have guessed that one. Everyone loves the story and being together and it's almost too good to be true. "Brian," however, is in sulking mode. Clearly he wants to be the leader, the provider, the doer. He doesn't want Lilly to show gratitude to Martinez or any of the other dudes.
The precious moment ends when Tara and Alisha head off to make out or something, but Martinez wants The Governor to turn that frown upside down. The two climb to the top of the camper to hit some golf balls like they did in the olden days of Woodbury. The Governor's not having a good time though. Martinez offers to "share the crown" but we all know The Governor is not one for sharing. He takes a golf club to Martinez's head, kicks him off the camper, then feeds him to bunch of Walkers. It's pretty gross.
Mitch tells the group (there are way more people than I thought there were) at Camp Martinez that he found Martinez's remains in the pit. He says Martinez must have been hitting some golf balls, got drunk, then fell in. Surrrre he did. Pete wants to step up as the new leader but some random bearded guy calls for a vote. Tara starts talking and I'm annoyed. Pete states that he is the leader and a vote will take place in the next couple of days. So for now we're just going to rename the area Camp Pete.
The next item of business is more walking through the woods, so off Pete, Mitch and The Governor go to hunt. They come across another camp of people with many clothes lines and tons of supplies. Mitch wants to rob them but Pete wants to find supplies without hurting anyone. Maybe Mitch decided he doesn't want to be a pussy anymore. The two bicker, but by the time Pete begins to reconsider, it's too late. Someone else has already raided the camp and killed its inhabitants. Mitch is pissssssed. He stabs the one camp resident who was still alive and Pete scolds him. The Governor observes....and I don't see this ending well for Pete. It's a shame too because he has great hair.
"Brian" goes back to his camper and flips out. He tells Lilly and Meghan to pack their shit because they are getting the hell out of there. He takes Meghan, Lilly, Tara and Alisha (awww) and they peace out that night. Well, they start to anyway. There's a big ole mud hole in the middle of the road and the hole is filled with a bunch of stuck Walkers. That car is going nowhere.
Onto plan B. The Governor pays Pete a visit and kills him. He then knocks on Mitch's door, gun in hand. I have to pause my TV for a second an take a walk around my living room. I just hate this man. I hate that so far two hours of this season have been spent on a character that should have died at the end of Season 3. I'm tired of The Governor. He tells Mitch that he killed Pete. He talks about cigarettes and bonding and Pete being a weak leader....and blah blah blah. "I'm running things now. And I will do whatever it takes to protect this camp." The Governor basically offers Mitch a spot as his right hand and Mitch accepts (careful dude - that didn't work so well for Martinez).
The community apparently buys the "Pete died on a run" story the same way they bought the "Martinez must have fallen off the camper and then stumbled into a pit of Walkers" story. Seems none of this is suspicious at all. The Governor is running the show just like he had been doing at Woodbury and he decides that Camp Martinez Pete Brian needs to relocate to a better place. Hmmm. Wherever could he be thinking of relocating to? Just then a Walker attacks Meghan outside (perfect timing), setting up the "we are no longer safe" mentality, which we will probably see more of in the next episode. The attack also proves that once again Tara is useless. She tugs at the Walker's decaying flesh to try to save Meghan..."Brian" ends up shooting the Walker and really saving them both. Groan. The hour ends with The Governor taking a solo trip to the prison, looking around at the people outside, and pointing a gun in Michonne and Hershel's direction.
Good lord. I'm beyond frustrated. My only saving grace is knowing based on the previews that next week will not be "The Governor Show, Starring The Governor." It's also the mid season finale, and if The Governor doesn't meet his end before the break, The Walking Dead will have one very unhappy viewer.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Walking Dead: Live Bait

Remember when the previous episode of The Walking Dead ended and we were left with all of those questions? Yeah, well...hold on to those. This episode is completely dedicated to The Governor. Feel free to re-read that sentence and feel as discouraged as I do. Here's where we are after the "Live Bait" hour:
We pick up where he left off after the Woodbury fiasco. The Governor, Martinez and Shumpart had stuck together for a little while, but The Governor awoke one morning to discover he was alone in their camp. My assumption is his two henchmen abandoned him...not that they were eaten by Walkers. So off The Governor goes, walking through deserted towns with an awful beard and depressed disposition. It's almost like Castaway without the ocean or volleyball. We're only 4 and a half minutes in and I'm already wishing for a commercial...but then he sees a child in a second story window. My interest is peaked.
Introducing Lilly and Tara, two sisters held up in an apartment waiting for the National Guard to arrive. Heh. That's going to be one hell of a wait. They live with their father, who is dying of lung cancer, and Lilly's adorable daughter Megan, who does not speak. Tara is a badass, or at least she thinks she is and she makes all kinds of threats about killing The Governor if he tries anything funny. He tells the group his name is "Brian" and he is just looking to stay the night. When dad asks "Brian" if he has kids, the one-eyed liar says no.
Later on in the evening "Brian" retrieves a backgammon set from room 303. The dying old man thinks that special game might help make his granddaughter talk again. Megan is over the moon to be playing backgammon with her grandpa, and I'm wondering why The Governor is suddenly so accommodating.
When Lilly wakes "Brian" up the next morning, The Governor's family picture is sitting on the coffee table.  She ignores it and hands "Brian" some food for the road. He tells Lilly to keep his gun (he'd found another one in 303), but she's not super eager to let him go. Lilly is worried. She explains that her dad has about 2 days of oxygen left and she asks "Brian" to go to the old folks home nearby to retrieve more oxygen tanks. Well, it's not like he has anything else to do so he complies with that request as well, snagging a couple of tanks and dodging a hoard of Walkers. What a standup guy.
Lilly visits "Brian" in his apartment and nurses his wounds. She tells him that he won't need any stitches....and she then says one of  the best lines I've heard on this show. "Nobody ever mentioned just how boring the end of the world was going to be." Honey, you don't know the half of it. You should have been on the almost endless search for Sophia in Season 2. Lilly also explains that Megan initially thought her dad was coming home to her when she looked out the window and saw him on the street. He had gone out for some beer and lottery tickets more than three years ago and never came back. Bummer. Megan arrives just then to ask "Brian" about his missing eye and they have a little chat, complete with a pinky promise. Apparently the kid is talking again...and apparently she likes scary looking bearded men with eye patches.  
The Governor shaves and bathes (thank you) and settles in at the apartment building. He teaches Megan how to play chess as Tara and Lilly care for their ailing father. I guess we scrapped that whole backgammon thing. Megan gives her king an eye patch so he looks like "Brian." Yes, kid. He would love to be king. The game is cut short when Lilly announces that her dad is gone and had probably passed a little while ago. Clearly this family does not know that dad is about to open his eyes and look at them like they are dinner. The Governor gets nervous. He tries to get the girls out of the room but they're still mourning. Dad makes a grab at Tara and "Brian" bashes his head in with an oxygen tank in front of everyone. He didn't really have a choice, but damn.
They all cope with this in different ways - Megan goes back to not talking, Tara tells "Brian" they're cool now because he saved them, and The Governor burns his family picture.  Is he leaving that life behind him now? Perhaps. Lilly, Tara and Megan leave the apartment building with him and they are ready to follow him anywhere. They take off in a food truck (convenient), which doubles as a mobile home. Megan is having a tough time getting close to "Brian" now that he bludgeoned her grandpa, but luckily Lilly is giving him all the closeness he needs. They totally get it on in the truck, and I'm pretty sure Tara and Megan are sleeping near them. It's good to be the king?
The food truck ends up breaking down and the group has to begin a new journey on foot. Tara loses all of her badassery when she trips and effs up her ankle. To make matters worse, she does so right near a mass of Walkers. Time to run...but Megan freezes. The Governor calls her to him like a dog and that seems to work okay. Mission accomplished - he banged the mom, and now he's got a daughter. He promises Megan that he'll never let anything happen to hear...just as Martinez arrives.
Oh. Shit.
The episode ends there, so I am anticipating that the next hour will also feature The Governor's journey. Now that Martinez is back, I'm also assuming "Brian's" identity will be revealed. Will there be a power struggle? Is Tara screwed now that she has the sprained ankle? Do I care? Not really. I'm more concerned about the Grimes group, the prison, and Carol. I need to know where Carol is. If The Governor ends up running into her in the next episode, that would be awesome.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Walking Dead: Internment

When we last saw our friends on The Walking Dead, they were dealing with a prison divided. We had the sick, the exposed, and the healthy. We had a rescue group heading to a veterinary clinic for medical supplies, and we also had a scavenger duo searching through nearby neighborhoods for anything that could help the troubled prison community. Unfortunately, we also witnessed Carol's banishment and an uncertain future as Rick headed home solo. Here's where we are after "Internment."
Where's Carol?
Rick enters the prison gates and Maggie immediately asks about Carol. I figured he would make up a story, at least for a little while, but Rick tells Maggie the truth. He also asks her to keep mum and Maggie says Rick was right to banish Carol. Maggie admits though that she probably would not have had the strength to send Carol away herself. The very brief Carol conversation ends there.  Rick tells Hershel the story as well, but this happens off-screen so we do not get to hear Hershel's reaction. I would LOVE his thoughts on this.  
You Shall Not Pass!
The hoard of Walkers at the fences has multiplied. Maggie and Rick use logs and thick tree branches to strengthen the fences, which seems to work...but only for a little while. When Maggie takes off to see what's going down in the sick ward, Rick has no choice but to summon Carl from the quarantined zone to help with the fences. Carl is soooo happy to help and the two share a genuine father/son moment...and I do mean moment. The Walkers completely break through the fence just then and Rick and Carl barely make it to safety. It's up to the two of them now to arm themselves and take out the Walkers. Carl handles the entire situation without missing a beat. There goes the "Carl is reading comic books and having some normal teenager time" idea that we got in the season premiere.
Take Your Medicine
Hershel is working his ass off in the sick ward. With the help of Glenn and Sasha (who are nearing the point of exhaustion), he makes the rounds and takes care of the infected people the best that he can. Hershel also takes great care to make sure the dead are moved to a back the other sick folks won't see the whole knife through the head thing. "A sad soul can kill quicker than a germ" he says.
Unfortunately, Hershel's calm treatment system goes sour quickly. Sasha passes out, Henry dies but Glenn collapses in a coughing fit before he can stop Henry's transition, a female patient in a neighboring cell becomes a Walker while Hershel cares for Sasha...and then it seems all hell breaks loose in the sick ward. The female Walker attacks Hershel. One of the sick guys comes to Hershel's rescue only to be eaten himself by yet another Walker. Walker Henry attacks a very surprised Lizzie (because you know, Lizzie thinks she can train Walker Henry like a pet), but Hershel saves her before she is bitten. Side note: she's getting on my nerves. Hershel then seeks out Dr. Caleb for help, but surprise! Caleb is a Walker too!
Hershel disposes of Caleb and now has to go to extremes to keep the remaining infected patients safe. Taking the gun Caleb had under his bed, Hershel takes out the growing number of Walkers in the sick ward. Maggie blasts her way in as well just as Glenn looks like he's about 30 seconds away from death. Using one of the airbags though, Maggie and Hershel help Glenn to hold on. As much as Hershel had been trying to keep Maggie's a damn good thing she showed up when she did. Soon after, the rescue group returns from the veterinary clinic with medical supplies and there seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel for Hershel and the sick ward.  
Groan. Really?
The episode ends with farmer Rick and Carl peacefully checking on their crop of peas. I'm incredibly relieved that they survived the Walker attack and the sick people are now getting better. We could have just rolled the credits here...but no. The camera pans out to The Governor, who is watching from afar. Ugh.
This was a VERY intense episode. I lost count of the number of times I said "holy shit!" as something was happening. However, I am not looking forward any future storyline with The Governor...unless he has a pretty quick demise. Then I'm good. I do look forward to seeing how the Carol banishment plays out. Is Daryl going to flip? Is he going to go after her? Will they tell Tyreese that Carol killed Karen and David? There's definitely some drama on the way there and I'm ready for it!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Walking Dead: Indifference

When we last left our friends at the prison, the inhabitants were dropping like flies from a mysterious flu, a determined foursome had set out on a quest for anti-biotics, and Rick discovered that Carol had killed Karen and David. How will all of this play out? Here’s where we are after the “Indifference” episode…

I Love To Go A Wonderin’
Bob, Tyreese, Daryl and Michonne seem to be surviving their medicine mission okay even though they are making the trek on foot. They finally come across a gas station with a broken down car. Daryl thinks he can fix it and hopes he can find a battery inside the station’s garage. As they clear away the fallen trees and branches though several Walkers jump out, and all four of our scavengers have a close call. Tyreese, still reckless, nearly gets himself killed by holding on to the arms of a Walker stuck in the branches instead of letting it go to be killed.  He’s starting to grate on my nerves a bit.

Daryl and Bob have some male bonding time where Bob reveals that he has been the last man standing from the previous two groups he had been with. He feels that he is cursed…which is why he is always on the prowl for alcohol. Bob also feels responsible for Zach’s death because if he hadn’t been messing with the alcohol shelf, the shelf wouldn’t have fallen and the Walkers would not have attacked the store. Daryl pretty much tells Bob to shut the hell up and help start the car.
The group finally makes it to the veterinary clinic and they find pretty much everything they are looking for. Their exit is (of course) made complicated by the presence of Walkers just about everywhere. They finally make an escape through a window but they almost lose Bob and Bob’s bag of supplies…which includes alcohol and not medical provisions. Daryl is pissssssssssed. The four of them drive home in silence.

The Trouble With Carol
Visiting Lizzie in the sick zone, Carol informs her that the group lost much of their food during the Cell Block D disaster, so she needs to go on a run with Rick. Lizzie tells Carol that she thinks several people will die soon…but at least they will get to come back. Carol explains pretty much what Carl has already told Lizzie – the Walkers aren’t people. Lizzie thinks becoming a Walker still makes you “someone.” I still think she was the one feeding the Walkers outside. She then calls Carol “mom” by accident and Carol stiffens and tells Lizzie not to do that. Man it feels like such a long time since we lost Sophia.

As Rick prepares for their run, he visits the cells that once held Karen and David. He envisions Carol stabbing them in the head and dragging their bodies out to the prison yard to burn. Damn. I’m uneasy about this…why is it just the two of them going on this run? What’s going to happen to Carol? She feels uneasy too. She immediately tells Rick that she was trying to save lives by killing Karen and David. Carol thinks they were a threat, that they were choking in their own blood anyway, and she helped them as well as the group by making it quick. Rick doesn’t really respond.

Carol and Rick come to a neighborhood and begin searching the houses for food and anything that might help the sick folks at the prison. In one house they kill a Walker who falls down the stairs. When the bathroom door opens shortly thereafter…they meet Sam and Ana who have been constantly moving from place to place, searching for a safe home. Dude’s shoulder is dislocated and without missing a beat, Carol lays him down on the kitchen table and fixes him.  Rick considers bringing them back to the prison with them and asks the duo his three questions. Sam and Ana pass the test (off-screen) and offer to help Rick and Carol search the neighborhood for supplies. They agree to meet up in 2 hours.

While searching through the next house Rick and Carol finally have a real discussion about Karen and David. She calls Rick out on his sudden transition from leader to farmer and says that what she did was no different than what Rick did to Shane. Rick claims Shane would have killed him and Carol says Karen and David would have killed him too. She asks Rick to just accept what she did. Carol realizes now that she can be strong and she and Rick reminisce about Sophia and Lori. I’m hoping their bonding experience heals whatever animosity there is regarding David and Karen’s demise, but the discussion is cut short when Carol and Rick come across Ana’s leg. Same doesn’t make it back to the meeting spot within the 2 hours and I assume he’s a goner too. Bummer.

Rick and Carol pack up the car to go home, but Rick has some final words regarding David and Karen. He says it wasn’t Carol’s decision to make…and for all we know the anti-biotics from the veterinary clinic might have helped them to live. He says Tyreese will kill her if he finds out and the rest of the group would want her gone. Carol is surprised Rick is suddenly making decisions again and tells him no one else has to go. Carol cries and doesn’t want to leave without Lizzie and Mika. Rick promises to take care of the girls and assures Carol that she can survive on her own. Carol gets into a car parked on the street and drives off. I yell “nnnnnnnooooooooooooooo!” very loudly and throw a pillow.  

I have to say that I am very unhappy with this situation. Carol has really grown as a character and I’ve really started to love her. I understand Rick’s rationale, but she’s not the only person who has ever made a tough or costly decision. If Andrea had not been bit by Zombie Milton last season, would Rick have welcomed her back even though her relationship with the Governor put everyone in jeopardy? I’m pretty sure he would have. Granted, I’m sure Carol will be back at some point…but for now I’m a disgruntled viewer.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Walking Dead: Isolation

We begin this episode with many questions as the prison’s survival system is starting to crumble. The Walkers at the fence are nourished and relentless, a lethal flu virus is tearing through the community, and someone has taken it upon themselves to kill and burn the infected people. Who or what is causing all of this? Here’s what we found out during the “Isolation” hour…
Better Dig Two
We see Glenn and Maggie first as they prepare two graves, which I assume are for Karen and David. As the camera pans out, however, several other diggers are hard at work as well…so the mystery flu is clearly starting to take its toll.  Hershel explains that 12 people died from the sickness, not including Karen and David. Uh oh. So it’s really only a matter of time before we see some symptoms in the, for lack of a better term, more important characters.
Sure enough, Sasha has a cough. She’s on her way to see Doctor S in the quarantined zone where people are coughing up blood, convulsing, and ultimately dying and turning into Walkers.  Doctor S won’t be able to help anyone for much longer – he’s sick too and suspects an outbreak at this point. Lizzie doesn’t feel well and Glenn joins the infected as well…and now shit is hitting the fan.

We Gonna Let It Burn
Rick, Carol and Daryl join Tyreese in the prison yard with the charred remains of Karen and David. Tyreese is livid to the extent that he slams Daryl against a wall and punches Rick…who then unleashes all that pent up farmer violence on Tyreese. I guess they need to express their emotions somehow?

Later in the graveyard, Rick apologizes to Tyreese for essentially half blinding him, but Tyreese is still pretty pissed off. Rick points out that whoever killed Karen and David was probably trying to keep the virus from spreading. Tyreese quickly cuts him off. “They didn’t.” He also says that Rick doesn’t seem to be trying to find the culprit at all…he then quickly storms off.

Rick realizes that he needs to get to the bottom of what happened to David and Karen. He begins to investigate. He notices a bloody handprint on the door leading out to the prison yard and puts his own up against it for comparison. The hand print is much smaller than Rick’ clearly belongs to a woman.

Troubled Water
There’s some sort of mud stoppage causing severe problems with the water pump.  Carol is working her ass off trying to fix it but she’s not having much luck. Tyreese approaches Carol near the spouts and asks her to help keep an eye on Sasha because he knows Carol really cares about the people in their community. Carol says she’s sorry for what happened to Karen, and as Tyreese thanks her and walks away…Carol sits down and begins to cry.  

Carol realizes that clearing the water line requires a trip outside of the prison gates and goes on her own. Seeing this makes me so proud of her given how far she’s come. The Carol we saw in seasons 1 and 2 would have been terrified to go out near the Walkers with a “don’t mind me – just getting the mud out of the hose” attitude.   Rick sees her, curses, and then runs to help her. The Walkers are totally aware of her presence now and are on the prowl. She panics only momentarily but makes it back behind the prison gates with Rick’s assistance.   

With the water lines fixed, Carol resumes her duties of making sure the folks inside get the cleanest and freshest water possible. Rick stops her and tells her that she has given so much to the group. He asks her if there’s anything she wouldn’t do to keep everyone safe. She tells him “no” and begins to walk up to the prison with canisters of water. Rick stops her again and asks is she killed Karen and David. She turns says “yes” and walks away, continuing her task.  WHAT?!?!
A Miracle Cure?
The Council meets again to figure out a plan. Hershel says there is no stopping this flu, but he does believe ant-biotics will help the infected people fight the symptoms. Hershel mentions a veterinary clinic 50 miles away and so Daryl, Michonne, Tyreese and Bob are tapped to complete this quest.  

As the group drives to their destination, Daryl plays around with the radio. They hear a voice on one of the channels and Daryl is so distracted that he loses the control of the car for a second. He swerves around some Walkers but then quickly stops the car. We then see the road is completely overrun with Walkers. There’s no way that car is getting through and they realize they are going to have to make a run for it. Ohhh shit. That clinic is 50 miles away! Tyreese sulks in the car for a bit (come on, dude) and then gets out and BARELY re-joins the group.  I totally thought he was a goner.
So now we know Carol killed and set fire to Karen and David. Given the way the virus is spreading, she can’t really argue that she protected the group in any way by doing this.  What happens now? Rick is someone who has had to make difficult decisions in order for his group to survive. Will he be understanding of Carol’s intentions and keep her secret? Will he tell Tyreese and company about this? I mean, Tyreese would seriously kill her and I can’t have that. Rick has a tough choice ahead of him but I am really anxious to see how this all plays out.